Tuesday, June 3

Mini VS Toyota

My mom is two things: annoying and funny. Unlike the other day where i felt like i was 10, she allowed me to grow up a little...to 16. I don't know what was up with today but people wanted to kill me. After all the near-accidents, my mom concludes that i'm one of the worst drivers on the road. Oh great. I was already peeved at her for waking me up at 10, so she took us out to eat at Bistro B. Food made me less grouchy. Afterwards we headed towards the asian market to do a little shopping. We took the food home and set off to look at cars. We had our sights out on the mini cooper s and the toyota prius hybrid.

We looked at the mini cooper first. I test drove two cars and really liked them. The SA strapped me into the driver's seat and proceeded to explain to me all the functions. He was really nice, the only thing was that he spat a lot whenever he talked. So my whole thigh was covered in spit. It was really nasty. While i was in the car, i found myself talking to it already. I kept encouraging it and patting it so that it would run. My mom laughed and said that it did need a little encouragement, kind of like the little engine that could. My mom is fascinated and loves it to death. "it's so cuuutee." I'm just concerned about the space issue. I don't want people i haul around to feel cramped. There's little room, but it's also very spacious at the same time. I don't know if that makes sense. It's short and wide; there's a lot of comfort space for the driver and passenger. I've picked this color. I really like this clear blue they offer. Pair it with a white roof and it looks extremely delectable. The problem is that there are no cars on the site to buy. We have to order it and have it shipped to us. It takes about 6-8 weeks, roughly a month and a half to two months. After thoroughly examining the Cooper, we hiked our booty down to the toyota dealership to look at the prius.
We couldn't even test drive this one. There were no available ones on site. They are all sold out. My mom described it as, "sold as fast as shrimp in the asian supermarket." I already knew she didn't like it, but i wanted her to give it a chance. We were able to look inside of it and even then, my mom was putting it down. In my mom's words, "it looks like a mouse." The wait for this car is about 6-9 months, roughly a year to actually receive one. There's a long waiting list. The most appealing to me about this car is that it's extremely fuel efficient. There's also a lot of room in the back. I do admit, it's ugly but not bad. We talked to the SA for a little bit and then went home to talk to my dad about it.

When we came home, my mom went off on how ugly the mousy car was. She says that i like it because i'm born in the year of the cat and cat's like mouse. YES! Good reasoning mom. My dad wanted to see a 3-D picture of it, so i went on the internet and popped up the prius. My dad described it as a black person. How so? Well, it's got a big butt. Great dad! They went on and on about how mousy and ugly the car was and how it was so weird that i liked it. When we started talking about the cooper, my mom described it in such a way that made me laugh extremely hard. She said that the cooper is "a happy car." The eyes are round and bright and it just...smiles - happy car! I told her the prius smiles and she says, not as bright and not as much as the cooper. It can't smile because it's a mouse! It's so weird talking about cars with the parents. I don't even know how to react or even defend myself in an argument.

I was watching Hell's Kitchen. Thank goodness Matt left. He seems so stupid. He has a stupid face; i just can't stand looking at him. My mom decided to buy an ice cream cake so that we can test it out and compare it to albertson's ice cream cake. It's really big and really yummy.

Cute picture of the day.

I really like this for some reason.

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