Lars and Laptops

I toke up at 6.15 to take little brother to school. The parents said he could skip, but i said no and dragged him out of bed. Skipping was unheard of while i was growing up and i think it should stay that way. While my little brother was at school, i stayed with the bf and watched Lars and the Real Girl. It's absolutely fab. Ryan Gosling stars in one of the most quirkiest, charming films i've seen in a long time. He broke into the movie business as the love-struck Noah in The Notebook and was taken seriously just last year when he was nominated for best actor in Half Nelson. So now, he's taking a stab at comedy as Lars. It's a very subtle film, so if you like outlandish stuff, i'm not sure if you'll enjoy this one. But i loved every second of it. I even teared up a little. Basically, it's about a boy growing up and finding his place in the community. The one obstacle Lars has to get over is his social ineptness. He doesn't like human touch, maybe even fears it. The character development in this film is very believable and in depth. Along the way, Lars falls in love with a sex doll named Bianca. It might sounds weird, but it's very well written. The dialogue is one of the great pros of this movie. Bianca literally becomes part of the community and becomes an outlet for everyone. It's amazing to see people accept mental illnesses in a positive way. As you watch, you start to learn about the whole community. I can safely say that i thoroughly enjoyed the well-picked cast. I loved learning about everyone. It's quite amazing to watch everyone come together and work in such a proficient, happy manner. That's how we are supposed to live. There's a term for it, but the name eludes me. All in all, i say 4.8/5 stars. The .2 is because of the ending. I kind of wanted to see beyond what is hinted.
When i came home, i saw a lot of shopping bags in my mom's room. My mom took my older sister to go shopping since there would be major sales today. They also went shopping yesterday when i was out taking care of the little sister. I looked through the bags to see what they bought and all of a sudden, older sister prances in with her shopping bags. She showed me the stuff she accumulated over the last couple of days. I kind of took it in and then got up, got dressed, and decided to go shopping. My mom tagged along, so i couldn't go with the bf. I was steamed. I was upset at older sister. I've always felt that she's selfish, but have always kept it in. I couldn't keep it in this time because while i was driving, i started crying. It's embarrassing! My mom thought i was crying because i wanted new clothes and that i was jealous of what older sister bought. Hells to the no!! I was upset because it's so like older sister do something like that. She never thinks of anyone but herself. Well, i stand corrected; she cares about her friends. Every time i'm home and i go shopping, i almost always keep them in mind and buy my siblings something. Even, if it's something little. She had two days to shop and she came home with stuff for herself while i cared for little sister and brother. Who is the older sister? Why isn't she acting like an dependable, older sister? I think today was just the last straw. I always keep things in and so all the aggravating things she does just keeps accumulating over time until i just can't take it anymore. So today, i cried. I told my mom that i think it's because of her selfish attitude and how she treats family. It's not right that she argues back to the parents; it's not right that she doesn't care as much as i do about the siblings. My mom starts defending her and says that it's because she's sick. According to her, eczema prohibits you from taking on sisterly duties. I looked at her in disbelief and told her that it's a skin condition. She's not dying. She's living fine and going to become a doctor. What does eczema have to do with her stinky attitude and personality? Yea, that shut her up because she knows that i'm right.
I took my mom to look at laptops. My friend told me about a brilliant deal on the tablet i wanted, but as i browsed around i realized that i wanted another one.

Specs are here
HP Pavilion DV2840SE 14.1" Special Edition Laptop (AMD Turion 64 X 2 Dual Core TL-60 Processor, 4 GB RAM, 250 GB Hard Drive, DVD Drive, Vista Premium)
Doesn't it sound delish? As much as i think tablets are cool, i don't really need it. I like writing in regular, paper notebooks. I like the way it smells and i like the feel of turning the page. I also like flipping my paper and hearing the crispiness of it. I'm such a nerd, but it makes me feel accomplished. I loved the size of the tablet. It was a small, light 12'', making it very portable. It has a cool fingerprint recognition feature that i liked too. But i'm not sure how long the twisty tablet thing would last. I want durability and a life expectancy of....preferably a long time. I don't see it in the cute tablet. I also think it would be a waste if i don't use the tablet portion. So, i started to look around and found this neat little one. It's a tad bigger, but by not that much. Theres an interesting design and the webcam feature is so cool. That is such a superficial matter, but i like it. It makes me look like i have flawless skin! It's also an HP. I love that brand. I'm definitely biased because I own a Hp desktop and it works amazing. Anyways, my mom likes it too. I think we're going to go buy it tomorrow. Yay!
I met someone today that i really didn't want to be reminded of. Do you have those instances where you kind of want to disappear? Well, that happens to me every time i see someone from HS. Grossness are the HS years. This asian guy was working at Best Buy and at first i didn't recognize him. I just thought he looked familiar. Then, my memories came back and i realized that it was the boy that liked me and every other asian girl in our HS. I think he was a grade or two above me. I don't know if he recognized me, but we both ignored the fact that we previously knew each other. I hate feigning friendship. Be nice to someone i don't care for is hard. When i came home, i told my older sister that i met someone in our past that she would never guess. She guessed on the first try! What the heck. She said that the guy she named would be the last person she would want to see, so she guessed. Gosh darn. How dreadful. Since my mom was there, i told her that i knew him. She was amused for a little while and then we moved on with our lives. Thank goodness. OH, that reminds me. I met two Brazilian guys - Gustavo and Paolo - yesterday that spoke Portuguese. Their accents were amazing. I was lost and gustavo helped me out around the camp site. It was a pathetic site. I was picking up little sister at her retreat and lost my way. He was kind enough to help. At first, i trailed a mexican retreat group and realized i was got the wrong group. So i circled the area and recruited help. Smart move judy!
Who else is smart? Apple! They just have filed a patent to place solar cells on portable devices. Outfitted with such technology, Apple’s devices, like the iPhone, could have photovoltaic cells stacked underneath LCD touch screens, thus maximizing the area available for harnessing the sun. [read more here] Can they get any richer? It's like they are always one step ahead of everyone. I guess thats why the brand is so pricey and dynamo. I asked a SA what the top notebook brands were and his personal fave. He obviously said MAC. I should've seen that one coming.
HP Pavilion DV2840SE 14.1" Special Edition Laptop (AMD Turion 64 X 2 Dual Core TL-60 Processor, 4 GB RAM, 250 GB Hard Drive, DVD Drive, Vista Premium)
Doesn't it sound delish? As much as i think tablets are cool, i don't really need it. I like writing in regular, paper notebooks. I like the way it smells and i like the feel of turning the page. I also like flipping my paper and hearing the crispiness of it. I'm such a nerd, but it makes me feel accomplished. I loved the size of the tablet. It was a small, light 12'', making it very portable. It has a cool fingerprint recognition feature that i liked too. But i'm not sure how long the twisty tablet thing would last. I want durability and a life expectancy of....preferably a long time. I don't see it in the cute tablet. I also think it would be a waste if i don't use the tablet portion. So, i started to look around and found this neat little one. It's a tad bigger, but by not that much. Theres an interesting design and the webcam feature is so cool. That is such a superficial matter, but i like it. It makes me look like i have flawless skin! It's also an HP. I love that brand. I'm definitely biased because I own a Hp desktop and it works amazing. Anyways, my mom likes it too. I think we're going to go buy it tomorrow. Yay!
I met someone today that i really didn't want to be reminded of. Do you have those instances where you kind of want to disappear? Well, that happens to me every time i see someone from HS. Grossness are the HS years. This asian guy was working at Best Buy and at first i didn't recognize him. I just thought he looked familiar. Then, my memories came back and i realized that it was the boy that liked me and every other asian girl in our HS. I think he was a grade or two above me. I don't know if he recognized me, but we both ignored the fact that we previously knew each other. I hate feigning friendship. Be nice to someone i don't care for is hard. When i came home, i told my older sister that i met someone in our past that she would never guess. She guessed on the first try! What the heck. She said that the guy she named would be the last person she would want to see, so she guessed. Gosh darn. How dreadful. Since my mom was there, i told her that i knew him. She was amused for a little while and then we moved on with our lives. Thank goodness. OH, that reminds me. I met two Brazilian guys - Gustavo and Paolo - yesterday that spoke Portuguese. Their accents were amazing. I was lost and gustavo helped me out around the camp site. It was a pathetic site. I was picking up little sister at her retreat and lost my way. He was kind enough to help. At first, i trailed a mexican retreat group and realized i was got the wrong group. So i circled the area and recruited help. Smart move judy!
Who else is smart? Apple! They just have filed a patent to place solar cells on portable devices. Outfitted with such technology, Apple’s devices, like the iPhone, could have photovoltaic cells stacked underneath LCD touch screens, thus maximizing the area available for harnessing the sun. [read more here] Can they get any richer? It's like they are always one step ahead of everyone. I guess thats why the brand is so pricey and dynamo. I asked a SA what the top notebook brands were and his personal fave. He obviously said MAC. I should've seen that one coming.
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