Thursday, May 29

Gloomy Bear Hat

Meet Gloomy Bear. It's sitting on my head. LOL!! So the package the bf gave me came in today. When i came home, i opened it and saw a big pinky thing. I was mildly shocked. I told him i wanted one previous, not the same one, but a plushie hat. He told me wasn't going to buy it for me, so i thought it'd be something different. I'm really good at guessing so he didn't give me any hints. I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know where to wear this thing. I don't go to any conventions, but i guess i can wear it during the winter? It's really cute in the back. There's a little bear body that wiggles when i wiggle! First, i didn't think it would fit because i have a big head, but it does! I'm amazed. It's really soft and it's pink! That's one of my favorite colors. As you can see, i'm wearing a pink tank and the chair behind me is pink. I'm so pinky. Pinky and the Brain! Which reminds me, when i was little i had a little bear with a bell inside of it. I named him pinky because i was uncreative. I don't know where it is anymore, but i remembered loving that thing dearly. Goodness. Memories. Although this hat is cute and all, why is it called Gloomy Bear? It doesn't look gloomy to me? I guess it depends on the person wearing the hat. Hmm.

I've been having a hard time installing stuff and configuring my laptop to fit my needs. I'm really big on audio, so i''m kind of disappointed in that aspect. The soundcard is horrible! I can't record anything at all without it sounding muffled. The muffling is just awful. There's also a load of static i can't get rid of. On top of that, there's no audio when i cam with others in chat. That sucks. I don't know how to fix this problem. If anyone has an idea, give me a shout. I would greatly appreciate the help.

Wal-Mart has bad service! Gosh darned. I went to the eye vision place to see if they have my little sister's records. I asked the lady and all she did was write the info on a scarp piece of paper and asked me to sit. 15 min passed and still nothing. So i went up to her and asked again. She gave me this mean look and said, "i was about to get to that, just sit down and i'll see what i can do." What the hell? I'm a customer! I hate it when people do that. After she found the records, she told me that i'd have to bring little sister back in to renew the files because they're all outdated. That sucks because she can't find her insurance card, meaning we'd have to pay full price. Gosh darned. I don't know what i'm going to do for my little sister. We're all really forgetful so we tend to lose stuff fairly fast. On top of that, we're really messy. That means everything is left a mess. I guess that's why i can't find anything. I was watching Clifford the Big Red Dog series today and saw that Emily Elizabeth has the same problem! She figured things out by cleaning her room. She's so smart.

I was watching So You Think You Can Dance (SYTCD) today. It's so good. I love love love dancing shows. I think they're so entertaining, a lot more entertaining to watch than singing shows like AI. There was this crazy viet guy that auditioned. He made it to the choreography stage. I think his name was Phuc Dat Nguyen. He was kind of ugly, but did this move that i like! It was the chin crawl. I'm going to learn it and show ya'll how to jam it out. I'm not a good dancer, but i love to dance. I'm planning on taking salsa lessons at Copa when i head to UT. YAY!

I watched The Orphanage today. I can officially check that off my to-watch list. How creepy is that picture? It sure does look scary. Let me tell you first off, i'm not a big horror-flick kind of girl. If i can watch it, i'm pretty sure any horror-flick rookie can. It wasn't very scary. It was more psychological. The movie focuses on a little family, Laura, Carlos and Simon. They move back to Laura's old home, the orphanage. I think the cast was 4 thumbs up. Everyone was very good at the character. I love laura! She's is such a brilliant actress. The kid, simon, is cute cute cute! And plus, my fave cousin is named simon, so i'm sold. The music was very suspenseful. Sometimes it felt misplaced though. I was confused at times because the music prepped you for something scary, but nothing happened. This was an overall average film. If i didn't like Guillermo Del Toro, i probably wouldn't have picked this up. I definitely had to think a little after watching the movie to piece everything together. But much to my amazement, similar to Del Toro's other movies, this had a bittersweet ending. It was happy and very sad at the same time. So all in all, i'm not sure if i'm 100% favoring this movie. I do think, it's a good enough film for you to at least check out. Your time won't be wasted!

Cute picture of the day.

Not really cute, but it'll do.

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