Transamerica and Touching T.V

Was the nudity necessary? In my opinion, it isn't. I don't want to see a sea of dicks. I'm so glad i didn't see this in the theaters. I don't want to see an enlarged wee-wee on the big screen. So i popped in this movie and started watching it with little sister. The mistake i made was letting my little brother and mom join. This is definitely rater RRR! About 30 min into the movie, my mom was said, "this is bad movie" because she saw Kevin Zegers (Toby in the movie) snort some heroine. So i ended up taking the movie into my room and watching it on the laptop with little sister. Within minutes i saw flashing wee-wees. The plot, although slightly twisted, was original and interesting. The cast was strong and well-casted. Felicity Huffman was brilliant in this movie. She was very convincing of her character. My mom actually asked me if she was a man in real life. She stayed true to her character through the movie and even deepened her voice to hint her true identity. Overall, i really like the cast. If you don't already know, it's about a transexual getting ready for her gender reassignment operation and within weeks of it, realizes that she has a son. As the movie progresses, you'll learn the boy is a tortured soul. He was sexually abused at home by his father and decided to run away. Wanting to head to CA to make a living as a porn star, he makes due by whoring himself on the streets and dealing. I don't want to give everything away, but it was a very intricate film. There were aspects of the R rated film that i didn't like. I'm ok with nudity, especially in comedic films (Beerfest), but i don't know why excessive nudity was important in this dramedy. The oeprative word being excessive." Does the nudity enhance anything? Not really, it just kind of made me feel more uncomfortable. On top of that, the open ending made it seem like it was kinda thrown in there last minute. Like they weren't sure how to end it, so they just left it. Sigh. I give this a 3.8/5
I lazed around all day today. It was brilliant. I woke up to the sweet sounds...of my mother yelling my name at the top of her lungs. Apparently she needed me to take down her measurements so she could order ao dai online. Gosh darned. My mom is very concerned about my health. She keeps bringing it up to my dad and now they have long talks about me "not" eating. I don't know where they get that mess from. I eat when i want. It's usually noon time and 5, my dinner time. In between the day, i also snack a lot. Today, we had a bowl of green beans that i munched on. It was so delish. My mom also accuses me of looking "green." Maybe it's from the green beans i'm eating. I don't know what they're talking about. Later on, i got dressed to do some home workouts and she saw my "frame" and said i needed to eat more. I don't know why she keeps saying that. Everyone can vouch for me; i eat like con heo. I tried out two different dance based workouts. They didn't work out too well with me. I'm not coordinated enough to dance properly, so the were useless to me. I think i'm going to stick to tae-bo. I like the whole punching and kicking thing. The fast pace also keeps me on my feet. After tae-bo-ing, i feel like i accomplished something. I love that feeling.
I also love the feeling i get when i watch extreme makeover house edition. Every time i watch the stories, i start tearing up. It's so darned touching!! In this case, i've never seen a more dedicated son and brother. The brilliant 16 y.o Navajo was living a green lifestyle in a beaten down trailer house. The remade house was beautiful and very green! Love love!! They don't have to pay any electric bills. Isn't that amazing! They also got a hybrid SUV! I'm so jealous. I want a hybrid so bad! I don't care about the mini cooper anymore. It's too darned expensive and there isn't enough room for me. I'm a big girl and i need big space. I'm going to start shopping around soon. Since my older sister left for austin, my dad told me to go car shopping. He doesn't want her around because he knows all she'll do is yell at me. Good grief. We are walking on pins in the house when she's around.
What's happening this week? Not much. I'm planning to go to the water park. I think that's as exciting as it gets. Since i had a lot of time at home, i whipped out a song. My friend asked me to sing it. It's kind of blase to me, not my type of song. But since it was easy, i just recorded it. The song is originally sung by a lady named Amber Kuo, called "I Remember." It's a very fob-ylicious song. When i say that, it's because it doesn't really make sense. I don't know what else to say about this. Oh, it sounds weird. I had to make my own instrumental, so the quality isn't good. It also sounds like i'm "off" at places. It's because of the song!! I promise. Well, there's actually one part of the song that i hate!!! If you can identify it, props to you.
An identical twin is suing the Canary Islands for a mix-up at birth, causing her to be taken away by the wrong mother. She found out she had a twin when she was mistaken in a shop in 2001. The woman is suing the Canary Island health services for 3 million euros ($4.7 million) for emotional trauma, El Pais newspaper reported. "I wish I'd never found out about it," her lawyer quoted her as saying. [read more here] Isn't that crazy. It sounds so reality tv. I don't know if she's really traumatized. Maybe she's in it for the money. I don't know. I think that if she was housed in a good family, than why would this news damage her in any way. Hmm. I also understand her side of the story too. I just don't know which i believe more.
Labels: life, movies, music, television
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