Indiana Jones and $6.25

So i decided to sell books back to Half-Priced Books. Why do i do that? I asked my little sister if it would be better to sell it off amazon and she said that it would be the same thing. What does that mean? So we filled out tub full of books to sell back the store. They were mainly books that we read in HS and younger. When we got there, we gave them the tub and they calculated out amount. For the amount of books we sold to them, they offered us a whopping....six dollars and twenty-five cents. What the heck can i buy with that? Initially, i told cindy that we could save the money we got from the books to use on our houston trip. That was when i thought we'd make a profit. But that measly 6 dollars is nothing. You can't even buy gas with that. Gosh darn. I was pissed for awhile. I didn't know they would rip you off that much. If i knew that, i wouldn't have sold them my books. Gosh darned the white people calculating the price. Does that mean the books were only a couple a cents a piece? That is so stupid. My little sister was upset too. I asked her if it would've been better if we had Amazoned it, but she said no. Sigh. It's too late to do it over, so i guess i should just forget about it. Let bygones be bygones. Yes.
Today was a fun day, besides the whole book rip-off moment. I got to hangout with my long lost friend! We kind of lost touch when we went our separate ways. It was so nice to see her. She's one of the few friends that i treasure. In HS, she was one of my BFF's. Now we're still good friends, but i think we all kind of moved on. She's one of the few people i can be myself around and not worry about anything. It feels good to be so relaxed. When i first met her, it was sort of like meeting a different me. Does that make sense? lols It was weird. We clicked the first time we met each other in speech class freshman year. Somehow, we quickly became friends and managed to maintain it thus far. I'm quite impressed. Good friends are so hard to find nowadays. So when you do find one, keep them close. Having good friends make you a better person. That's what i think anyways. You influence others and they influence you. That's how the world works.
So far, i love my laptop. I think it's very nice to me. There is this one thing that really bugs me though. Why doesn't my HP have stereo mix?! Apparently, they took that option out to avoid infringement. Gosh darn. I use that tool a lot when i record. It's essential. Well, it's not essential, but i've come to rely on it. It's very useful and helpful when it comes to audio. I also don't have line-in or wave functions. What does that mean?! Where did it go? I've been researching it all mornign and came up empty handed. I wanted to see if i could change out my soundcard, but i dont' think i want to spend the money or even mess with the laptop. I mean, in all, it works fine. I think that if i knew about this, i might've not bought this notebook. The soundcard isn't that great either. Neither is the mic function. For some reason, i can't get it to properly work. I'm not sure if it's my configuration that's making it not work properly or the notebook itself. I don't know. In the end, I guess it shouldn't matter. I have a desktop that i use to record stuff anyways.
On to dreary news. Suicide is high in Japan. It's going on 30,000 for the 10th straight year.
In June 2007, the Japanese government adopted a set of suicide-prevention guidelines, featuring a target to cut the suicide rate by more than 20 percent by 2016. Hopefully this helps out. [read more here] I don't know why the rates are so high. Their economy is getting better, but i guess it's not enough. There are a lot of social factors that need to be accounted for like debt and unemployment. Hopefully thinks get better over there. I know that we're on the decline in the states. I don't know whats going to happen. The end seems so fatal.
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