As much as i shouldn't be craving to play with more makeup, i really want this palette. It's beautiful and easy to carry around. The colors are dime sized and there are 88 different shades to play with. For $20, this is definitenly worth it. On top of that, there's a case for easy mobility. I love that idea and it's mroe preferable than keeping 88 little jars of mineral wear everywhere. If you are wondering, it's the coastal scents 88 color palette. If i hadn't already bought leishi off ebay, this would be it. As much as i love love love mineral makeup, i think it's very bothersome to use sometimes. With mineral eye wear, you have to be super duper careful, otherwise you'll make a mess. With the palette, you also get the matte feel and it can be applied wet, so very versatile as well. Applying mineral wear is a tricky thing. You have to have a good primer, base, and mixing medium. Anyways, i'm still thinking about investing in this palette. It's so gorgeous! The colors are so vibrant and i really want to play around with it. As much as i love makeup, i don't like to put it on myself. Isn't that funny/weird. I'd rather have a fresh face beside me so that i can paint. It's a lot funner. Maybe i'll do another makeup tutorial. I liked how the last vid turned out. Now that i'm stuck in summer, i guess it gives me a chance to play with colors. The thing with me is that i'm and avid researcher. I make the effort to find good deals and unconventional makeup techniques. I hate splurging and I'm just not a brand whore.
I've decided on the mini cooper s. I don't know when i'm going to order it, but i think it's going to be soon. I really like the crisp, clear blue color so hopefully my mom chooses it. She's going to be handling that business for me. We were eyeballing two colors, the gold and blue. I'm ok with either, but the blue just makes me feel happy. I was driving my car today thinking of different names i can call my car. I'm not sure what gender it is yet and can't decide until it actually belongs to me. For some reason, despite it's color i think it's going to be a girl. We're just going to have to see. My last car was jacob and i think the name fits him perfectly. Big booty jacob. This has to be completed soon otherwise i won't have a car to drive back to austin. Sigh. I really hope my older sister doesn't give me hell for this. She doesn't want the parents buying me a car. I'll leave the reasons to myself.
This is where we're going tomorrow. It should be fun. I'm in the mood for water and relaxation. I need time off from parents. They've been on my back about everything since i've been home. It's been horrendous. It's supposed to be small and clean. Cleanliness is important because i don't want to walk in pee. That's just nasty. It just opened and we're going now because the public school kids aren't out yet. My siblings and i are kind of biased. Since we've been raised in private school settings, we rarely like to associate ourselves with public schoolers. I think it's mainly because we already feel alienated within our school-microcosm, so we'd rather not experience ostracism from people who don't know us (like public schoolers). I'm totally not narrow-minded on this subject and can be easily persuaded/open to the idea of integration. I'm not a bigot either. Sigh. I don't think i should need to defend myself when i'm talking about things on my blog because it's purely opinion without any merit. On the upside, OBAMA is now the democratic candidate. I kind of feel bad for lady clinton. She tried so hard and has worked so hard, just to be upset by obama, someone with a lot of promise but little experience.
My opinions on JT has changed. I saw him on a re-run of oprah and think he's a brilliant performer. I performed what goes around. I actually got chills from his performance. I'm very impressed. On this episode of oprah, she features JT, Reba!!!!, and Kelly Clarkson. I absolutely tootly love reba! I think she is utterly amazing. The duet she sang with JT is now one of my favorites. It's so calming and just so simple. I love it. I'm equally impressed that JT wrote it. His vocal strength is still a little questionable, but as a performer, he's superb. He shines with Reba on that stage. I think kelly kind of fell in the background sitting next to her. Now, i really want to Reba Duets album. I love duets and i love reba. My two loves put together. I must get my hands on a copy. It's an old album, so hopefully not all the links will be broken. (I admit, i'm a pirate) I've also been hearing brilliant things about the Jason Mraz album that came out awhile back. I love the Lucky song on the album. If you haven't heard, maybe i'll feature the song on my next entry.
This news story just happens to be really funny to me and morbidly embarrassing to the victim. A tourist in Australia decided to take a roadside piss. While he was doing his business, a brown snake slithered between his legs and bit his wee-wee. First of all, how can the man not notice a snake on the ground, right underneath him. That's a mind boggler. Interestlingly, the snake didn't inject venom and retreated after the bite. [read more here] He sure is a lucky bugger. I would hate to imagine what would happen if the bite was fatal. Moral of the story? Don't wee-wee on the roadside and if you must, check alert for snakes or other biting animals.
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