Yesterday i was a jumbled mess. We had the fashion show thing that took up all of my hw time. Gosh darn. I wore an ao dai and a blue kimono (pictured to the right). The color is really pretty except it kinda makes me look..frumpled. It didn't fit me very well and i had limited time to change so i just prayed that it wouldn't fall apart as i walked. There's a weird lump...i think it's supposed to be my chest? It looks mighty disfigured if it is. That sucks. Oh well. You won't believe how many people showed up. My friends and i made a bet. One said 50, i said 20, and another said 10. *drum roll* A grand total of 9 people showed up. Isn't that a shame! It's not like we too it seriously. At least we got free food out of it. It was pretty delish i must say so myself. There was one really hectic part of the program that got everyone tied in a knot. So the gospel choir was supposed to sing, but the lead piano/singer guy wasn't there. Apparently he got the wrong info and thought he was to be on later. WRONG. Everyone started panicking and i was like, "chill!" Just let the next act go and wait for the piano guy to show up. THEN these two people started talking trash talking the piano guy. THIS is what the said, verbatim: "This is exactly what he would. He's just like that. He's deliberately trying to sabotage us and the show. You don't know him like i do. I just know it's in his nature to do something like this." I kind of looked at those two and laughed. Are you serious?? I told them to give him the benefit of the doubt. Why, in his right mind, would he "deliberately sabotage." And sabotage who? All of 9 people in the audience? Idiots. When piano guy showed up...2 min later, everyone was happy-go-lucky. Sigh, two-faced losers. What made me laugh even more was when i stood up for the piano guy (even though i didn't know him), those two people said i was too nice for this "harsh world" filled with "harsh realities." Oh, get over yourselves. They are just drama queens, making drama about everything. The only reason i remembered this was because it was so ridiculous.
The show lasted for a long time. It was around 11 when i was able to do homework. I had a paper to write up in my AB class. Amazingly, i wrote 8 pages. 11 pages in total if you count the data and graphs i created. That was so hard! I ended up working up to 6.30 in the morning! It was pure pain. I wanted to give up and ask for an extension, but the bf encouraged me to the point where i finished the paper! I don't know how well it's written, but it's done. What's funny is that two of my friends did the same thing as me. They stayed up writing papers and suffered through the night with me. Well, suffered in spirit at least. During the writing process, i made some coffee and snacked on various things i had lying around. The coffee posed a problem when i called it a "night" at 7. The coffee was running through me and i couldn't fall asleep even though i felt wretched. When i was able to fall asleep, i wasn't able to get a good nights rest because i had class the next day at 9. My alarm was set for 8.15. At least i got a mini-power nap (sorta). When i woke up, i looked and felt like major crap this morning. I needed (still need) a shower desperately and maybe a complete chill day. I hate it when you feel and look like crap, people tend to compliment you on your crappiness. Ok, so what if i look like i rolled in a big pile of poop, you don't have to tell me. When you're in your crabiest, people start annoying you like no other.
Take for instance...this guy. I'll call him Asian Hoarder (AH) because he is white and loves all things asian. Hello! We aren't collectibles! Give us some room, puh-lease. I need my breather space. I was walking to class and out of no where he calls my name. I look around and saw him way across campus. I stood there and waited for him to catch up since we're going the same direction. When i looked at him, my expression was not pleasant. He notices and says, "what's wrong? why do you look sad?" I was thinking - "because you you called my name and made me wait for you" - but refused to say what came to mind. He starts talking about how we never hang out. Last time i checked, we were never hang-out buddies. I said, "so." Then he says, "we should hangout after class...sonic or something." I say, "uh huh." That's what i always say when i'm not listening. I guess i should listen next time. When class was over, i picked up everything really fast and walked out the door with my friend. We were engrossed in convo and passed him up by his car. He goes, "Hey, aren't you coming with me?" I look and say, "no" and do that "shoo bug don't bother me" hand movement. He combats with, "what the hell." I don't know what to do with this kid. I have him in my next class and he totally avoided me. That's fine with me. I thought he had a girlfriend. I don't know why he's trying to talk me up. I have no interest in becoming buddy-buddy with him. I also already have a buddy-buddy bf and he fills the role just nicely.
Tomorrow is JUDY DAY. I'm going to go do stuff. I don't know how, but i am! Hopefully i can get the car. I really have the urge to spend some moolah. Which is bad because i don't have any moolah to spend. This is because i haven't been working that much. I'm either doing homework and too lazy to get up from my bed to go to lab. I am the epitome of true laziness. One of my favorite past times is picture taking...of stupid, random things.

Doesn't this make you laugh. It sure does make me laugh. We each took turns squishing our faces. The bf looks like a blow fish. I look like a chinese uncle with horse teeth. See that mole the bf has on his cheek? I have one too on my cheek except it's not visible in the picture because of the flash. Flash makes me happy because it makes my skin look flawless. Goodness knows my skin is far from it. I'm breaking out right now. It's because i keep picking my face and irritating my skin. It's so nasty. It's almost as nasty as picking my nose. I'm being a loser and watching Hoan Chau Cat Cat again. I love this series. I still laugh at all the funny parts and i gasp at all the shocking parts. What i need now is the sequel. That way i can be doubly surprised and doubly shocked. Cool plan huh. Ever since i went to H-E-B to stock up on snacks, i've been eating junky nonstop. I have a bag of chocolate covered raisins right next to my mouse pad and a bag of BBQ chips around the corner. All this eating is a no-no. Last night i woke with a stomach ache. It might've been the coffee and or the snacks. I'm unsure, but eating late-night always unsettles my tummy. Beside morning toilet fiascos, i'm concentrating on reducing my ever growing pouch. I need to exercise more! I've been exercising and i believe consistency is key! I should have taken a before picture to document my progress.
Nintendo is bringing their hit Wii game, FIT, to the states. Wii Fit has already conquered Japan and now it's set to debut on May 19 in the United States. For $89.99 you not only get the game, but the Wii Fit balance board accessory.

Isn't the console neat! The girl is japanese, too! Leave it to asians to advertise asian stuff. The game started selling in japan last year and has racked up 1.5 mil in sales. Nintendo's expecting to just as well in the states, if not better. The Wii Fit balance board, however, measures subtle shifts in weight, pressure and movement for realism during the 40-plus aerobics, strength and yoga exercises simulated in the game. The board is more complex than the soft pads used with most dance games. [
source] Isn't that neato. What better way to combine new, emerging media with health related topics. It's smart because it targets teens as well as adults. I can't wait to play it! Too bad i don't have a Wii. I imagine it's like the whole DDR losing weight thing. As long as you are consistent with your workout, you will see results!
Cute picture of the day.

Candy apple goodness.
Labels: friends, fun news, life, rants
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