I need to relax.
I haven't felt this tired, grimy and yucky in so long. I don't really like this feeling. To avoid feeling like this, i need to make sure to do my homework on time (especially if i'm writing papers!) and get an adequate amount of sleep. Yesterday, my roomie and i were cramming. I think i finished earlier than her because when i went to her room to see her status, she was sleeping. She kind of knocked out cold. Poor roomie. I turned off her lights and wished her goodnight. I think we both need sleep. I was able to finish my papers last night. I just don't know how well i finished them. It doesn't matter now, i turned them in. I also did my presentation. I kind of got tongue tied at the beginning, but i managed to spit something out. I was kind of amazed that i was coherent. In front of the class, i kept yawning, so that was probably a bad sign...but whatever. I felt like a big pile of poop in my first class. It was funny because i had to present. Anyways, after the presentation, we talked about language and its connotations. We talked about jeans and the "cool brand" that was "in" during my hs/middle school time. It was hard to contribute because i was in a private school and had no recollection of what was "in" at that time. I kind of just sat back and waited for people to respond.
After the class, I had a meeting with my professor. I consider myself a punctual person and i expect the same from others. This is hard when they aren't. My scheduled appointment was at 10 and when i came to the door 5 min prior, a girl was sitting in the chair and my prof said, "give us a min, we jus tstarted." What the heck?! Meetings usually last 20 min. I sat outside simmering in my own upset-ness. They ran into my time, which consequently made my meeting run into another girl's time. Sigh. The meeting was about my exhibition piece for my Chinese class. When i came in, he could tell i was tired, upset and didn't want to be there. He cracked a few humorless jokes and then, we got to work. I had to look through a book of characters and choose one to work on. I initially chose a character that looked cool to me. He gave me a weird look and said, "i don't think you want to choose that; it means disaster." Oh great. So i ended up choosing the character, "to be enlightened." Now, i just have to work on my calligraphy.
Yesterday, i went shopping. I know i mentioned that in my last post, but now i want to provide pictorial evidence of my accomplishments.

Have you ever anticipated this (see above)? It's a giant elephant in a soap bubble! Tai, the 8,800 pound Asian Elephant was not quite floating, but stood at just less than nine feet tall in the giant soap bubble. Fan Yang set a world record by capturing the 'Largest Land Mammal in a Bubble'. He completed this task in front of an audience, along withe the Guinness World Record committee at Santa Ana's Discovery Science Center.Yang has set 15 previous Guinness World Records including the world's largest bubble wall, 157 feet in length, and the most people encapsulated in a bubble, 100, as well as appearing on the Oprah, and David Letterman shows. Isn't he so cool. That's a crazy little stunt he did with Tai. I kind of feel bad the elephant trapped in the bubble. I don't understand how Tai doesn't seem to mind, not does he try to pop out of the bubble. When i was little, i always wanted an elephant. Then, i realized it was so impractical. I didn't want to bathe the animal or tend to it, i just wanted to ride it. I was able to ride an elephant in thailand, so there was no need for me to have en elephant any more.
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