Beware: FDH Alert.
When i woke up, my hair was a mess. That's what i get for sleeping with my hair wet. Today was a long today. I don't know how i made through it. I ended up hungry most of the day so i lugged around a bag of potato chips. I am nice so i offer it to the class. It doesn't mean you can come up to me and keep asking me for food. That's annoying. Especially when you are gross. Sigh. People are just so...weird. I'm going through this phase where i want to clean out facebook and myspace. I want to delete all accounts that i don't really know or keep in touch. Does that sound bad? It's also even more annoying when they start adding you after they noticed you deleted them. There's a reason why you were deleted. People...ugh. Oh...and another complaint. I'm sorry that i'm going off on you today, but i think people are just so unbelievable (can be both good and bad). I have nothing against black people, but this particular bigot gets me annoyed beyond measure. He thinks he's the shit, know-it-all, he's mega rude and a real bitch. I also think he's gay and a racist. What's funny is that he doesn't know everything and so when he talked, it's like jibberish. I've taken up the tactic of ignoring his existence when he is in my presence. I don't feel like i should waste my time on this person we shall call Fugly Dick-Head (FDH). Don't think that me calling him FDH is unjustifiable. I have very valid reasons that i will not indulge now because talking about it will get me riled up. Let's just say he has WAY more enemies than friends on campus. I know this for a fact.
Now, let me tell you why i brought FDH. My older sister is in charge of the fashion show my school is having. This wouldn't be a problem if people cooperate and make this easier on everyone. Since my sister does everything last minute, we were scrambling to get things done. That's a real problem when you are running low on time. Rehearsal was today and it started right after i came out of class. that means i wouldn't have time to eat dinner because my class ends at 4.45 - so, i was already rally cranky. Anyways, we got there and changed to do a total run through. Each group is in charge of their own section and A.S.I.A was first. My sister was dictating everything because she was in charge. I'm glad someone took charge, otherwise we would've had to stay behind a lot longer. While we were practicing the entertainment aspect, FDH had the nerve to talk crap about my sister. YOU IDIOT! ONLY famiLE can talk crap about family. I was about to tear his head off. I know my sister can be overbearing, but FDH didn't help at all. Why whine and complain when you're of no help. People like this make me sick. If he could do a better job, then go right ahead. Too bad he'll never get the chance. He's irresponsible and way too stupid. That one reckless move he did all first year started the landslide of crap he's done. I don't pity the fool. The fool should pity himself.
The bf is coming up this friday. I'm really excited because it's out one year!! I don't know if we are doing anything in particular, but i want to look nice. I guess i'm more "clothes aware" because he said you can dress up. I love dressing up, but i'm probably just going to wear a pair of jeans and a top...a nice top? I really want to go shopping, but i don't think i have time. Which is a shame. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I have a fashion show and a major paper that i have to write. Me, being really stupid again, decided to wait last minute. Let's see if i will triumph! I walked back from my meeting just awhile and tripped over a branch. Gosh darn. It scratch up my foot. Sigh, when will i learn to pick up my feet. People say they always know i'm coming because of how loud i walk. You can hear me slid my feet. That's why all my soles are worn out pretty bad. That's more reason for me to buy shoes! See my misguided logic? *smug smile*
Tonight, my friend and i played with makeup. Well, more like i played with makeup on her. I did too looks. I really like bright colors. I think she has a very unusual eye shape. It's pretty, but i don't think it can handle lots of color. This requires some looking up. Monolids, i think, are a lot harder to put makeup. I think it's because i've been spoiled with double lids. What's funny with her eyes? - They aren't totally mono! Sometimes they are double and other times they are monolid. Isn't that funny. OK, after looking at a couple of makeup websites, i think i have a better idea how to go about with monolid eyes. I think the most dramatic results would have to include the usage of fake eyelashes. Alas, i do not have any on me and don't have time to run to the store. Pooey.
In new Guinness news (do you see a trend happening?), a kid in the united states set the record for blowing the most balloons through his nostrils. Andrew Dahl inflated 213 balloons one nostril at a time within an hour on Friday. Each balloon was measured by his father to ensure that they were at least 20 cm, the min diameter. His mother tallied up the balloons as they were inflated. Andrew's first attempt - 184 balloons in February - was rejected because his father tied the balloons. This time he tied them off himself. [source] Oh the crazy things peoples do for fame. I can that is a way to ensure that your name will live the books. Well, that is until someone trumps his record. I'm pretty sure tha twill happen. There are many crazy people in the States, surely another will attempt nostril balloon blowing. Maybe this time, they might do it through...two nostrils! Now...that is impressive AND ambitious.
Now, let me tell you why i brought FDH. My older sister is in charge of the fashion show my school is having. This wouldn't be a problem if people cooperate and make this easier on everyone. Since my sister does everything last minute, we were scrambling to get things done. That's a real problem when you are running low on time. Rehearsal was today and it started right after i came out of class. that means i wouldn't have time to eat dinner because my class ends at 4.45 - so, i was already rally cranky. Anyways, we got there and changed to do a total run through. Each group is in charge of their own section and A.S.I.A was first. My sister was dictating everything because she was in charge. I'm glad someone took charge, otherwise we would've had to stay behind a lot longer. While we were practicing the entertainment aspect, FDH had the nerve to talk crap about my sister. YOU IDIOT! ONLY famiLE can talk crap about family. I was about to tear his head off. I know my sister can be overbearing, but FDH didn't help at all. Why whine and complain when you're of no help. People like this make me sick. If he could do a better job, then go right ahead. Too bad he'll never get the chance. He's irresponsible and way too stupid. That one reckless move he did all first year started the landslide of crap he's done. I don't pity the fool. The fool should pity himself.
The bf is coming up this friday. I'm really excited because it's out one year!! I don't know if we are doing anything in particular, but i want to look nice. I guess i'm more "clothes aware" because he said you can dress up. I love dressing up, but i'm probably just going to wear a pair of jeans and a top...a nice top? I really want to go shopping, but i don't think i have time. Which is a shame. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I have a fashion show and a major paper that i have to write. Me, being really stupid again, decided to wait last minute. Let's see if i will triumph! I walked back from my meeting just awhile and tripped over a branch. Gosh darn. It scratch up my foot. Sigh, when will i learn to pick up my feet. People say they always know i'm coming because of how loud i walk. You can hear me slid my feet. That's why all my soles are worn out pretty bad. That's more reason for me to buy shoes! See my misguided logic? *smug smile*
Tonight, my friend and i played with makeup. Well, more like i played with makeup on her. I did too looks. I really like bright colors. I think she has a very unusual eye shape. It's pretty, but i don't think it can handle lots of color. This requires some looking up. Monolids, i think, are a lot harder to put makeup. I think it's because i've been spoiled with double lids. What's funny with her eyes? - They aren't totally mono! Sometimes they are double and other times they are monolid. Isn't that funny. OK, after looking at a couple of makeup websites, i think i have a better idea how to go about with monolid eyes. I think the most dramatic results would have to include the usage of fake eyelashes. Alas, i do not have any on me and don't have time to run to the store. Pooey.

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