LOVE is here!
People seriously need to shower. I'm a loser and don't show everyday, but i almost do! Most of the time i shower every other day so that my hair doesn't totally dry up on me. It's very common, so don't think i smell bad. I also use deodorant! If the deodorant doesn't cover up the stink (that i don't have) i put on lotion. Some people don't do that. How do i know? Well, i walked past someone today that smelled horrible. This is a major case of B-O. It's a nasty boy smell, a combination of sweat and smelly feet. His hair was nasty looking, too. Shampoo! Sometimes taking a shower is all you need to give you that extra boost of confidence/energy. My little brother hates showers. He sits in the tub, splashes a couple of cup fulls of water and hops right out. That's why he is stinky. Sometimes i tell him he stinks and he just doesn't believe me. The boy is in 4th grade and doesn't take a normal shower like the rest of us. He's so weird. I have a weirdo family. Have you ever had that feeling that you really needed to pee, but didn't want to? That was me today. For some stupid reason i thought it was too much of a hassle to use the toilet, so i just held it in until my bladder started to hurt. I was in a meeting and relaized i needed to pee, but didn't want ot get up so i just crossed my legs. When i came home, i fled to the toilet. Sweet release never felt so good. But sicne i held it in for so long, i'm thinking 5 hours-ish, my bladder still hurts even after i used the toilet. Sigh.
My school's A.S.I.A. club is having a fashion show. I'm modeling. They are using swimsuit models to encourage people to attend. Some people tried to get me to do the swim wear thing. HA-HA, heck no. First of all, i have thunder thighs! No one wants to see that. I'm also pale. I don't know anyone who wants to see white, jiggly stuff walk around in heels. Well, i know one person...but that doesn't count! I don't have the confidence to prance around scantily clad. It makes me feel ho-ish. What i'm really excited about is the makeup! It gives me reason to draw on peoples faces and such. Muhahaha. My makeup hasn't come in yet, but when i get it...i'll be totally playing around with it before hand. Wait for my picture fest. Maybe i can hustle money from the bf and ask him to buy me some pretty makeup things. LOL!!! I joke, I joke. I make my own money! The little sis showed me a little teaser of our current book craze, Twilight! I'm super excited. It's coming out DECEMBER! I can't wait. I have this huge zit on my face. It hurts and looks really nasty. I've been trying not to mess with it, but it taunts me! Darn pimple! Wait till you are ripe, i will pop you!
One of my friends snapped at me today. She's my closest friend here and i know her situation, so i didn't think anything of it. We've got three weeks left and everyone is on edge, trying to get things done. She's been very stressed lately, so she's kind of moody towards everyone. I know that i'm being buried under paperwork. I just handle it a little better than other people. For instance, i have 2-3 papers due each week until school lets out. They all range from 6-8 page papers. Who is screwed? I am! But, no fear...i'm not stressing, yet. I think i will, essentially be ok. It will all work out, somehow. I don't know how, but it will. I have faith. I thought last semester was taxing, but i accomplished everything and got honors to top it all off. I'm sure i can pull something out of my butt this semester. I'm getting wiped though. I skipped one of my classes today because i was just mentally and physically drained. I used the time i had to write papers and blog. I even skipped lunch to try to catch up with work. I don't htink you can ever be "caught up." It's a vicious cycle. That's all i know. I'm looking for another internship for next fall. I'm thinking along the lines of KXAN/Associated Press. We shall see.
On another note, do you remember the Notebook? It's one of my favorite romantic movies ever. I also love Nicholas Sparks. For my birthday, my then closest friend bought me the book and the movie. It was so sweet. During spring break, i was able to read the "sequel," called The Wedding. It's well written and has a wonderful ending. It will make you believe in love...if you don't already believe or have forgotten! The book was so vivid that i had created a beautiful image in my mind regarding the characters, surroundings, etc. It seems like...a distant memory, a movie, or deja vu. Anyways, do you remember the part where Noah's wife loses her memory and ultimately, her life to Alzheimer's? Well, The Wedding is a story about how he copes with losing Allie, but the main story is centered around the grandchildren. Part of the reason why Noah is able to live so logn after Allie's death is because he believes the swan that he constantly feeds day after day is Allie. She had said (both in the movie and prequel), that she would find a way to come back to him. Noah adamently believed that the swan was Allie. He was happy and healthy, mobile and agile around the swan. After Allie's death, the swan gave him purpose to live. Hid grandkid's
resented the swan, thinking that Noah was suffering from disillusions. But i think it is possible. I think it is possible to find traits of the person you love in other things, animals, and people. As long as their mind is stable, i don't think there's anything wrong in letting him/people believe that the person they dearly love is still with them. Why would you want to live if you have no purpose for living? In China, a woman went through a similar situation. She (75 yo) wrote more than 500 letters to her husband since his death, 14 years ago. She writes about everything, including her life happenings, memories, current events, and the future. Her reasoning? She says that writing letters comforter her since her husband's death and when she is too old to write, she can find comfort in reading them. Rather than bore people about her feelings, she writes about them to her husband. [source] Isn't that so darned sweet? True love is not only found in books and movies ladies! Don't forget that. Every girl deserves their own fairytale. We deserve one, but i don't know if we will get it. At least know that everyone is entitled to love. Be hopeful and never settle. Once you find love, it's one of the best experiences you'll ever have in your life.
My school's A.S.I.A. club is having a fashion show. I'm modeling. They are using swimsuit models to encourage people to attend. Some people tried to get me to do the swim wear thing. HA-HA, heck no. First of all, i have thunder thighs! No one wants to see that. I'm also pale. I don't know anyone who wants to see white, jiggly stuff walk around in heels. Well, i know one person...but that doesn't count! I don't have the confidence to prance around scantily clad. It makes me feel ho-ish. What i'm really excited about is the makeup! It gives me reason to draw on peoples faces and such. Muhahaha. My makeup hasn't come in yet, but when i get it...i'll be totally playing around with it before hand. Wait for my picture fest. Maybe i can hustle money from the bf and ask him to buy me some pretty makeup things. LOL!!! I joke, I joke. I make my own money! The little sis showed me a little teaser of our current book craze, Twilight! I'm super excited. It's coming out DECEMBER! I can't wait. I have this huge zit on my face. It hurts and looks really nasty. I've been trying not to mess with it, but it taunts me! Darn pimple! Wait till you are ripe, i will pop you!
One of my friends snapped at me today. She's my closest friend here and i know her situation, so i didn't think anything of it. We've got three weeks left and everyone is on edge, trying to get things done. She's been very stressed lately, so she's kind of moody towards everyone. I know that i'm being buried under paperwork. I just handle it a little better than other people. For instance, i have 2-3 papers due each week until school lets out. They all range from 6-8 page papers. Who is screwed? I am! But, no fear...i'm not stressing, yet. I think i will, essentially be ok. It will all work out, somehow. I don't know how, but it will. I have faith. I thought last semester was taxing, but i accomplished everything and got honors to top it all off. I'm sure i can pull something out of my butt this semester. I'm getting wiped though. I skipped one of my classes today because i was just mentally and physically drained. I used the time i had to write papers and blog. I even skipped lunch to try to catch up with work. I don't htink you can ever be "caught up." It's a vicious cycle. That's all i know. I'm looking for another internship for next fall. I'm thinking along the lines of KXAN/Associated Press. We shall see.
On another note, do you remember the Notebook? It's one of my favorite romantic movies ever. I also love Nicholas Sparks. For my birthday, my then closest friend bought me the book and the movie. It was so sweet. During spring break, i was able to read the "sequel," called The Wedding. It's well written and has a wonderful ending. It will make you believe in love...if you don't already believe or have forgotten! The book was so vivid that i had created a beautiful image in my mind regarding the characters, surroundings, etc. It seems like...a distant memory, a movie, or deja vu. Anyways, do you remember the part where Noah's wife loses her memory and ultimately, her life to Alzheimer's? Well, The Wedding is a story about how he copes with losing Allie, but the main story is centered around the grandchildren. Part of the reason why Noah is able to live so logn after Allie's death is because he believes the swan that he constantly feeds day after day is Allie. She had said (both in the movie and prequel), that she would find a way to come back to him. Noah adamently believed that the swan was Allie. He was happy and healthy, mobile and agile around the swan. After Allie's death, the swan gave him purpose to live. Hid grandkid's

Cute picture of the day.
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