I got into most of the classes i wanted. Registration always puts me in the most foul mood, especially when it came down to housing. I'm in McCombs 128. I was walking to class afterwards. For some reason i decided to listen to my ipod. That's something i rarely do because i don't want to be shut down from the world. Your sense of hearing is taken away, so you are one sense down. If you are like me, i concentrate on walking so my head is down. When i walk, i don't notice anything at all. That's a pretty bad habit, but i'd rather avoid falling. Anyways, this viet song came on and it started out really funky. It started with a - honk honk - and a car zooming past. It sounded so near and so real that i turned around looking for a car. Then, i realized it was coming form the ipod. Oh, what a trickster.
I think the time of the month is approaching. I've become a lot more moody lately. Lately, i can't seem to tolerate people anymore. I used to be really good at that, but annoying people just find more ways to annoy me. At the meeting, there is this particular girl that i just can't stand. She thinks she's the shiznit and a box of crackers. What the hell, right? Ok, so let me lay it out for you before you think i'm a crazy, judgmental, freak. We voted thi girl into the "friendship office." Friendhisp entails a person to be nice and overal friendly. It's in the title! That's a given. First impressions should not apply because she looks nice, but once she starts to talk...it's over. She is mean and miss know-it-all. The worst part is...she don't know shizzles. If she knew what she was talkign about, i wouldn't be so AHH about it, but she doesn't. That's just wrong. When i (or my friends) offer suggestions, she just glazes over us-ignores us and goes on with whatever she's talking about. HELLO! There is no I in TEAM! Is that how the phrase goes? So tonight, i had to go door to door asking for donations for relay for life with a group of people. That annoying twit was there, too. When i saw her ask for donations, it seemed like her personality did a whole 360. She was miss bubbly-i-love-life, sorta girl. What a faker! What's more funny is that she took off her ugly sweater to go around door to door and underneath was a "cute" top to help her achieve the "i'm cute and friendly" look. Idiot. We went down this hall asking for donations and she skipped right to the door if this "cute guy" to ask. There's not chance with that guy or any guy, so es should just give it up. I just don't understand how people can be like that. Yuck to two-faced people.
I think the time of the month is approaching. I've become a lot more moody lately. Lately, i can't seem to tolerate people anymore. I used to be really good at that, but annoying people just find more ways to annoy me. At the meeting, there is this particular girl that i just can't stand. She thinks she's the shiznit and a box of crackers. What the hell, right? Ok, so let me lay it out for you before you think i'm a crazy, judgmental, freak. We voted thi girl into the "friendship office." Friendhisp entails a person to be nice and overal friendly. It's in the title! That's a given. First impressions should not apply because she looks nice, but once she starts to talk...it's over. She is mean and miss know-it-all. The worst part is...she don't know shizzles. If she knew what she was talkign about, i wouldn't be so AHH about it, but she doesn't. That's just wrong. When i (or my friends) offer suggestions, she just glazes over us-ignores us and goes on with whatever she's talking about. HELLO! There is no I in TEAM! Is that how the phrase goes? So tonight, i had to go door to door asking for donations for relay for life with a group of people. That annoying twit was there, too. When i saw her ask for donations, it seemed like her personality did a whole 360. She was miss bubbly-i-love-life, sorta girl. What a faker! What's more funny is that she took off her ugly sweater to go around door to door and underneath was a "cute" top to help her achieve the "i'm cute and friendly" look. Idiot. We went down this hall asking for donations and she skipped right to the door if this "cute guy" to ask. There's not chance with that guy or any guy, so es should just give it up. I just don't understand how people can be like that. Yuck to two-faced people.
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