I wake up at 8.30 to a person typing on the computer. Since it's not me, i assume that it's my mom. Gosh darn, i don't know why she's up so early. She's even worse than me. Now she's putting on makeup and texting. Even i don't text. I asked my mom what was wrong with my phone and she said the battery was messed up. It hasn't been charging very well. By midday, it will beep telling me that it's out of batteries. We (sis & mom) had dim sum today. It was very chilled. Afterwards, i helped her do some video recording because she wanted to show the family back at home what SU looks like. It was fun, up to the point where she made me do the whole thing. Look at how shorty my mom is compared to me! I keep telling everyone that i'm the tallest in teh family. It might be hard to believe, since i'm only 5'2. My mom is like 4'8. She just lies and says she's 5. We are both wearing heels in the picture, but you get the gist. She's closer in height with my older and younger sister. My mom left for home after the whoel video camera thing. Before she left, she hugged me and told me that she was going to stop by the Hillsboro Outlets. I really want to go now. There is an outlet here, but it's not that cheap. My mom says that Hillsboro is vacant, thus everything in the stores are marked down. She bought lots of wallets and purses for 3 dollars. She even gave me one. I didn't get any homework done, so i'm going to have to start cracking tomorrow. I have tons of doof in my fridge. Now there's no excuse not to eat. I put all the bf decorations back up. It feels more homey to me now. Because i was bored, i made a cute little collage for my desktop. I looked through several folders filled with pictures and came up with a few that i liked. After awhile of searching, i just randomly chose pictures and stuck them together. Observe:

As i said before, it's a random selection of pictures mashed together. At least it makes me happy looking at it. I wanted a new bg so i decided to whip out some of my paint skills. It was confusing at first, but i got it. I know, you probably think i'm stupid since i couldn't even use paint with ease. Sigh. Sometimes i have major blonde moments. I was browsing through th bf's fb and i saw the sign that alerted me he was on. I quickly signed on aim, thinking that he would pop up. The reason why it said he was signed on fb was because i was signed in on his fb. I'm so weird.
After my mom left, i went to my friend's room to hang out. While i was there, i painted her nails. They are kind of cute. I did the whole white french tipped thing with 3 little flowers on the first toe. It looked ok. At least she liked it. I also watched The Kardashians. It's just so darned addicting. The show was followed up by a True Hollywood Story: The Kardashians. You know i watched that. When the show was over, my two friends and i went to Le Madeleine. It was so yummers. I ate this thing smeared with a creamy, mushroom broth. For dessert i got a yummy fruit tart. I need to stop eating out. When i eat out, i eat more. This sucks. I just don't want to waste food so i stuff my face until it's uncomfortable to even move. That is probably really bad, but i dont' care. I hate it when you're in the middle of writing/doing something important and a program shuts down on you. What is the meaning of that? It's like the program knows you are having trouble with whatever you are doing and wants to join in on the fun too. Computers are so stupid. My friend says that i should be nicer to my comp and it'll be nicer to me. After all, it does have feelings, too. Hmmm
I'm rather conflicted because i have to sign up for classes next year and a lot of the classes i want to take are getting fuller by the minute. I'm getting quite upset. I don't want to be stuck like this year, with classes i don't like and have to settle for. It's not fun and it gets tiring after awhile. This reminds me that i have to get my summer classes in order. If all goes well, i can take a couple classes during the summer and graduate early. On a lighter note, my mom said i can do a semester in new york! I didn't even have to convince her! i just told her what was up and she just said, "ok, do what you must." Now, all i have to do is convince daddy to let me go. We shall see. While my mom was here, we also talked about cars. I showed her the honda fit every time it passed us on the road and she ranted about its ugliness. She was confused why i even considered it. Then i showed her the toyota matrix and she said it looked a little bit better than the fit, but not by much. She basically shot down every other car i mentioned until i talked about the mini. Because gas prices are going way up, they (including me) want a fuel efficient car. My dad said that as long as i liked the car, then he would buy me my choice. My friend recently told me that the mini cooper came out with a 4 door edition. I was so, super excited. I really wanted a 4 door vehicle and i love love mini coopers.

It's called the 2008 Clubman. I fell in love with the cooper when it first came out. I just thought it was the most adorablest car and so fitting to my personality. My mom, sister and i were talking about it because it whizzed by us in the street. We were wondering what brand it was and my older sis says "cooper." We all laughed at her and then decided it was mini. I came home and

did a little research. It looks kinda cool. The clubman has the same look as the cooper, except it's a little bigger/longer. I have to see it in real life to compare, but it looks like a mighty fine contender. My mom is excited about it too because she thinks it's cute and wants a change. We have had cars of all sizes, but i think she wants to go back to smaller cars (but safe!) because of the whole gas thing. I initially wanted a blue color for my car. I'm looking at the clubman in different colors and i think a more reserved color is in order. I think i like the pepper white with a silver roof and rear trim. I also like the british racing green with silver roof and trim. I'm leaning more towards the green right now, but white looks so sleek. I'm torn. I think either way, i'd be happy. I'm excited. My mom said she'd buy it for me in June! YAY! We haven't run the plans by my dad yet and like the whole ny plans, there's a little convincing needed. He said he'd buy my any car, but we shall see.
Cute picture of the day.
That's how you rock a rainbow shirt.
Labels: life, television
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