Weather Grumblings and Dirty Toilet Seats
It' so ugly today. Beyond ugly. It's very windy, rainy and dark. The weather was really nice yesterday and took a turn for the worst today. Oh, Texas weather. I was wearing my white hat around all day and my fluffy A&F jacket that makes me look like an eskimo. I changed once because i was wearing a tank in the morning, thinking it would be ok. How i was very wrong. Besides the weather, today went by smoothly. It's almost over, so i'm very glad. Mondays and Wednesdays are always the hardest days for me. Generally, after Thursday, i consider everything down hill.
I really want dark-wash skinny jeans. I have a pair of light ones (in the picture) and now i want another color. Dark jeans are slimming and i need it because my thighs are definite thunder-thighs. Yack, must disguise. I ate dim sum yesterday and i realized i don't like people who don't have opinions. LEMMINGS! All of them. Is it because they lack a personality? a mind of their own? Speak up and tell me what you what or what you want to do. Stop following people around and grow up. It's about time. I expected to see social lemmings in high school, but college? Isn't this the time to grow up and not care about being "cool" or doing the "popular" thing? I guess that's a hard trap to get out of, the whole "peer pressure" thing. I just don't don't understand how one can stand being bossed around like they are a little insignificant puppet. I wouldn't want to be someone's puppet.
That being said, i don't think "Asian-time" is applicable to food. Let me clarify. Asian-time is basically the general rule that all Asians abide by: we are expected to be 30 min -1 hour late for all occasions. That means if you are throwing a party and want people to show up at 6, you are obligated to say that the party starts at 5:30 so that people show up on time. We were at dim sum and the lemming told some people what time to meet us there because the drive would take 30 min. We got there on time, but they didn't leave their apartment until we arrived at the restaurant. That means we would've had to wait another 30 min? an hour? Since they were inconsiderate, we got a table for ourselves and ordered. Obviously, the lemming kept looking at the door. I gave him the choice of waiting or eating with us. Of course, he ate with us. We finished eating by the time they showed up in a huffy puff because we didn't wait for them. Not all of us graduated and have leisure time to waste.
It's almost Spring Break and i'm so excited. I get to spend time with the bf and go to a concert, featuring:

And they tell me to breathe easy for a while
The breathing gets harder, even I know that
You made room for me but it's too soon to see
If I'm happy in your hands"

You need a light, I'd find a match.
Cause I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.
If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better."
I know this is a weird random random thought, but toilets are really gross. I'm not a big fan of public toilets, especially after someone has already taken a dump and you can smell the awful remains. I know, i sound totally disgusting. But, what's worse is when you see a toilet seat with a little black curly hair sitting on top of the seat. That is just a turn-off, turn the other direction and choose another stall, kinda thing. That's what happened today. It was in the ladies bathroom. I really needed to go so i stepped into the nearest stall and it wasn't a pretty sight. I sighed and moved to the next stall. What if there's only one stall available? If you really need to go, then you'll just suck it up and clean as much as you can. Afterwards, wash and sanitize! This is a weird topic, lets digress.
I'm going to start you-tubing! Watch out for me! haha.
Cute picture of the day.
The person stuck in a situation that would grunt about their distress or the person who would do something about their situation.
"Who are you?"
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