Monday, February 25

Oh, the heat!

It is so blazing hot today. I woke up and checked the temperature. It was a steady 56 and so i bundled up. By high noon, the temperature considerably rose to blistering hot. Weather bug is telling me that it's 87 right now. Oh, Texas weather. The above picture is a good representation of how i'm feeling today. I stupidly agreed to go on a hiking trip. Why did i go hiking? I'm not a very nature-y person. The pained expression in my face was from the heat/exhaustion i was feeling. I remember being so out of shape (and still am). I was wheezing the whole way up the mountain top. I'm pretty amazed by my accomplishment though. It's something to tell people i've conquered.

I got one of my tests back. I know i shouldn't be so greedy about my grades, but i was so close! Why didn't my professor just give me that one point to tip me over the edge. I really wanted an A. Looking over the exam, i was amazed i even passed. Where the heck did i come up with these answers? I'm now waiting to get my papers and other test back. In one of my classes, i got called on. Why do i open my big mouth? Note to self: don't attempt to answer questions when you are unsure of your answer. It just puts you in an embarrassing situation. I had no idea what he was talking about. I'm really bad at quick thinking when it comes to school work. You have to give me time to articulate my ideas, otherwise i'll make no sense. The prof gave me three chances to redeem myself. I failed all three times. I need to stop getting so easily frazzled.

My sister gave me blush stains! I thought she was being too nice, buying them just for me. i found out she was allergic to it...yay for me! My mom made really good wontons. I'm munching. I'm at work and it's unbelievable loud. It's the lab. Why are you talking? If it was about school work, i don't think i would be so annoyed. But, they are talking about Law & Order SVU. Talk about it somewhere else. It's probably some failed attempt at flirting.

This isn't the picture of the tortoise i'm talking about, but it will suffice. Fred, a 70 year-old tortoise, set a house on fire. Fred was left under a heat-lamp to stay warm. But he had piled her dry straw under the lamp and it caught alight, spreading flames through the house. [source] This is so unfortunate. Don't leave your pets unattended!

Cute picture of the day.

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