What a mess. I had to make a shirt for APO since i'm a pledge. It would have been really cute. I messed up on the year first. I totally forgot that it was 2008. I'm so oblivious. I manipulated the 7 into an 8, that's why it looks so screwy. When i was done making the shirt, i decided to take it home with me. It was incredible windy outside. The shirt brushed up against my bag, arm and water bottle. The paint smeared everywhere. I kind of wish i cared, but it already happened. What can i do? At least you can tell the happenings of a cute shirt?
Today is not a busy day. I have work and a meeting. I woke up early (9.00 a.m) because i thought i had to be somewhere. Waking up early isn't so bad. I showered and now i smell really good. I hope today is as pretty as yesterday. I dressed in shorts and a tank, so appropriate for yesterday's weather. I'm so glad blogspot has autosave. It saves me so much trouble. I remember when i was using xanga, i kept accidentally closing the page or the comp messed up. That means i lost my whole entry. I hate re-writing entries.

My morning routine is fairly simple. I almost always hop onto the computer and start my winamp. I need music in the morning. I'm listening to A Fine Frenzy - Near to You as i write this. Then, i check my email and facebook. While i was on facebook, i noticed one of my friends engaging in the whole "friends with benefits" (fwb) thing. Why don't you just say you are an advocate for stds. I don't believe in the whole fwb status. It's just telling of a person's character. Since you can't keep your pants on as a single chick, you have to find someone to release your tension. You aren't afraid of the impending dangers that are associated with fwb, namely stds? You never know who they've had sex with because you are single. You aren't obligated to one another, so you can do anyone you want. It doesn't make sense that you would publicly talk advertise/announce your fwb status. Crude language is disgusting. Things that are meant to be private, should be kept private. Spare the majority and keep all that crap to a minimum. What disturbs me, is the person i'm talking about is my friend. I once considered her one of my close friends, but i realize i don't even know her.
Nietzsche says we are all liars and we live in a world built by lies. Lies are neither good nor bad. Toss morality out the window (for now) and try to understand Nietzsche's perspective. His theory is more realistic (compared to Plato). I'm trying to wrap my brain around his theory and i think i understand (to some extent). I understand what he's getting at. We live in a world where truth is a social convention that is invented by language. Our categories, what we think, how we call things...it's all in our mind. If we don't give value to things, they have no value to us. A 25 cent coin is worth money because we say it does. All it really is, is a piece of metal. Sometimes i look at myself (self-reflect) and think, "do i lie." Stupid question, i think everyone lies. It doesn't matter if the lies are venial or mortal, a lie is a lie. I started talking about this because it concerns friends and people. In order to maintain social harmony, you have to remain cordial to people you don't like. You smile like nothing is wrong, even though you harbor ill feelings toward that person. It's sort of like a survival method. Those who feign friendliness the best will survive easier. By prentending to be someone's friend, you can avoid conflict and trouble. It doesn't even have to be friendship, it can also be tolerance. As long as you tolerate someone and lead your disliked to believe that your relationship with them is ok, you are in the clear. Everyone does this. Fake-smiles all around.
Facebook is so detrimental to my mornings. I need to find some better online browsing places.
I've started to moisturize on a normal basis. My skin is clearing up. It's so weird. My skin

changes a lot. For a time, it was oily and now its dry. I can't keep up with it. I can't keep up with politics either. I was pretty good at tailing the campaigns when i was at News 8 Austin. This semester, i'm way behind. Apparently, Clinton has accused Obama plagiarism. Low blow? Obama "lifted" words from another speech (his friend's speech) and used it in his own speech without crediting. That's like me reciting a part of MLK's without crediting. Clinton was said to use her husband's words from a previous speech while he was still in office. This is a sad attempt to gain ammunition. Now, this picture Obama picture surfaced. Clinton is saying that he has as much experience in foreign policy as Bush did when he was elected. This insinuates that he would repeat the tragics that have happened during the Bush term. [
read more here] "Nationally, Obama has taken a clear lead over Clinton among white men, middle-income earners and liberals, groups that were evenly divided or with whom she had the advantage two weeks ago." I'm totally for Obama. I don't like how Clinton is slamming him. She says that his campaign has been inconsistent. Well, her arguments would hold if she didn't practice what she preached.

I know, my argument is biased. I don't really care. This is my blog, so i get to say what i want. I haven't researched Clinton and i don't intend to. Call me ignorant, i don't mind. Maybe when i'm bored, i'll look her up. As of right now, i think she looks like a man. I don't get what her persona is. I don't want to get into this. Politics and Religion, two topics i shouldn't talk about.
Cute picture of the day.

"In the darkness, hope shines even brighter..."
Labels: friends, life, news, rants
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