Salsa is FUN!
Salsa-ing is so much fun! I think that if you're a girl, you'd have a blast! It's harder for guys because generally they are supposed to lead the girls. I went with my sister and a couple of friends. I went very minimalistic. The eyes were done, but everything else was simple. The picture is kinda blurry and very still-like. I'm not sure if i actually like it. But, it works. My partners were all old guys, but i love them. They are very sweet, especially the Filipino old guy. I danced with him a year ago, the first time i went. I can't believe he's still there. I'm not very good with names, so i have a system of calling them by their physical features. That's not very nice of me. I think i'm going to try to find out his name next time. When you salsa, you don't have to worry about motives. You just dance. If you get a good leader, you'll dance well. The majority of the people i met are really friendly and really pleasant overall. The first guy i danced with was really patient. I think that if you fake it well, it doesn't matter if you don't know a single thing. I got some really good tips that i try to keep in mind when i'm salsa-ing. The first, is to always keep moving. There are a lot of different styles, but most of them are very similar. Back and forth, keep the pace and listen to the rhythm. The second, is to press your palm into your partners palm so that you can feel the next move. It's easier to anticipate what your partner is planning that way.
My eyebrows look nice. I went through an experimental phase for a long time, until i found the best shape for my face. It's all trial and error when it comes to beauty. I had it wide spaced and then my family said, "oh no, what did you do!" so i quickly grew them out. And then i they were too short (no tail-end), so i grew them out. Now, i can confidently or rather, semi-confidently say that i can groom your eyebrows. But that in itself is a risk. I'm only semi-good in a lot of things. That makes me want to hone my skills and be spectacular in one thing. I'm sort of doing that right now at college. I don't know what i'm talking about...probably a lot of bologna. Isn't it funny that bologna is pronounces ba-lone-ee? Oh language, how silly.
I'm going home today! I'm very excited. I have a mental list of what i'm going to buy, so i hope i

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