Fit for Discovery Channel?

I woke up with puffy eyes and a tummy ache. I don't think i should eat late-night ramen anymore. It's not healthy and gives me a horrible tummy in the morning. My two-pack is slowly disappearing. How sad. I want to start exercising. I'm just too darned lazy to start again. Hopefully, i'll start before my pack is forever gone. I haven't brushed my teeth yet, so i might start getting into my hygiene routine.
Yesterday, i started youtube-ing at work. I love listening to singers. One of my faves is this girl named Marie Digby. She is a mix: half Irish, half Japanese! Isn't that darling. She turned out gorgeous. She has a lovely voice and her music is so me. The songs are very lyrical with a strong touch of acoustics or piano...because she can play instruments! I was never motivated to learn instruments, but i wish i had kept to it. Then, the bf said, "youtube treeman." I looked it up and i was so shocked. There was a guy, a tree, a treeman?

An Indonesian man, Dede, started growing roots out of his limbs because of an accident as a teenager. He scraped his knee against a tree and things went down-hill from there. His wife left him and due to his condition, he had to join the freak show to support his two children. A doctor from the U. of Maryland concluded that he has the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Sadly, in his case, "he has a rare genetic fault that impedes his immune system, meaning his body is unable to contain the warts." This will air on the Discovery channel, so check it out. That's really sad. I don't know what i would do if that happened to me. Would everyone leave me? Now, that's a thought to consider. I commend him for living. I'm glad his children didn't abandon him. That's a true testiment of love. At least they have a good story to tell in the future.
Imaginary convo with Dede and his two children after he is cured:
Dede: Remember when i was a treeman?
Child 1: Yea dad! You were so ugly and smelled pretty bad.
Dede: I know! I'm glad i can do things normally, like sit on a toilet.
Child 2: I'm glad too, dad. Do you think you can be my science fair project?
The people on the the Discovery Channel, This is my Story series, should write a book about their life. I bet a million budding authors would climb at the chance to write one. Does it count if it's already been aired on television? I think a book is able to capture the things a lens can't. I don't know if i would be able to do that. All the medical mysterious are really scary. I remember when my friend got knocked in the eye by a softball in 7th grade. The first time i looked at her in science class, i was a big crying mess. She was scary looking and i felt so bad for her. I couldn't look at her and cried the whole class period. I'm weak sauce, i know. I don't know how i'd fair when i meet the Discovery Channel cases. That's a thought i don't want to focus on. I might get nightmares. I don't think my life is worthy enough for the Discovery Channel or a book, never know!!
The weather is driving me insane. It's cold and then warm. It kills me. I don't know how to dress for this weather. I took most of my winter clothes home last weekend. I have enough winter clothes, but why is there a cold front? Sigh. I don't like Summer because it's just too darned hot. I love Spring though. Spring and Fall are my seasons. I prefer Fall over Spring, but they are both lovely. I'm going salsa-ing tonight so hopefully it wont be freezing.
Imaginary convo with Dede and his two children after he is cured:
Dede: Remember when i was a treeman?
Child 1: Yea dad! You were so ugly and smelled pretty bad.
Dede: I know! I'm glad i can do things normally, like sit on a toilet.
Child 2: I'm glad too, dad. Do you think you can be my science fair project?
The people on the the Discovery Channel, This is my Story series, should write a book about their life. I bet a million budding authors would climb at the chance to write one. Does it count if it's already been aired on television? I think a book is able to capture the things a lens can't. I don't know if i would be able to do that. All the medical mysterious are really scary. I remember when my friend got knocked in the eye by a softball in 7th grade. The first time i looked at her in science class, i was a big crying mess. She was scary looking and i felt so bad for her. I couldn't look at her and cried the whole class period. I'm weak sauce, i know. I don't know how i'd fair when i meet the Discovery Channel cases. That's a thought i don't want to focus on. I might get nightmares. I don't think my life is worthy enough for the Discovery Channel or a book, never know!!
The weather is driving me insane. It's cold and then warm. It kills me. I don't know how to dress for this weather. I took most of my winter clothes home last weekend. I have enough winter clothes, but why is there a cold front? Sigh. I don't like Summer because it's just too darned hot. I love Spring though. Spring and Fall are my seasons. I prefer Fall over Spring, but they are both lovely. I'm going salsa-ing tonight so hopefully it wont be freezing.
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