My parents took my siblings and i out to eat at Tokyo One in Dallas. It's a big sushi buffet. I didn't take pictures of what i ate, but it was delish. I'm glad they took us there. It's really expensive though. I looked at the bill and i kinda did a mini-hurl in my throat. Oh, well. We ate a lot and i guess that's all that matters. Besides the eating, it was a good time bonding moment. I found out my parents are...dare i say it, proud of me! I was shocked. It's a good feeling. For most of my life, i would have to say that i did not live up to my parent's expectations. They always and still say that they worry about me the most. I'm trying!! At least they know i'm trying, so that's a step up from yester-year.

My mom went shopping and bought shoes (3 pairs).I wanted to take a better quality picture, but the webcam will suffice. She gave me this one! They are so cute! I've been looking for a pair and so i'm glad my mom bought them. I found out that the brand is Jessica Simpson. I'm not a big fan of her, but the shoes are a doll. Can't wait to wear them.
All in all, it was a fun-filled day. I bought a memory card for my camera and decided to ditch buying the usb thingy. I'm fairly happy with everything. I saw my baby, Ollie. Boy, did she grow! She's a big fluff ball. I need to document her growth more steadily. I'm fascinated by threading. I think i might want to try out this craft. Why go through the pain of waxing/shaving when there's a third option?? We (the bf and little brother and sister) ended up watching Charlie Bartlett. It's really good.

This is a feel-good movie. It was kind of hard to believe though. Do high schoolers ALL do weed, drink and have sex? It's like a whole different world that i was excluded from. I'm pretty sure the bad things were happening, but i was totally unaware. I felt that way in my high school too. I had my own circle of friends and thought everyone was a "good" person. That thought remained until i graduated and found out everyone did pot. Nice memory. High school is something i definitely do not want to repeat.
Tomorrow I will be back at school. Unfortunately, i have to go to my parent's function. Hopefully i

don't have to dress up like "navy." Sometimes they still treat me like i'm 8. It doesn't help that they constantly remind me about the past. I was such a cry-baby when i was little. I'm still a cry-baby now. I hate partings. The first time i went to Vietnam, i was finally able to meet my dad's side of the family. When it was time to go, i cried forever. On the first day of school, i cried forever. And whenever i have to leave my bf, i cry. This is a repetitive pattern i see. I just become so attached to people that it hurts to see them go, even if i know that i'll see them again. That picture on the right is just a cute little knitted thing i wish i can make.

I've got a thing for bunnies and belugas. I had a discussion with a couple of people about what kind of animal you would be if you were to be an animal. Take for example, The Golden Compass. I want to be a fierce animal. But, when i ask people...the answer is always a long the lines of bunny or puppy or kitten. So darned cute. This is something i have to think about.

Moving on to another thought. Do you believe in miracles? I do! In this case (referring to the picture to the left) a child is born with its heart outside of its chest. Can you see it in the picture? [
read more here] I commend the parents. They knew about the baby's condition and decided to give the baby a chance. They kept the child and chose not to abort. Most babies die from this condition. It's a rare case that has been documented less than 200 times. The doctors at the Shenzhen Children's Hospital in China's Guangdong are preparing to surgically repair this malfunction. Hopefully all things go well.
Cute picture of the day.

oink oink...am i edible?
I thought it was a pig, but now i'm pretty sure it's a bear. [
look here]
Labels: life, movies, news, Shoes, sushi
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