Shallow Thoughts
My throat is tickling. I think i'm coming down with something. I don't know what's up today. I feel a little off. Isn't that a pretty picture? I wanted to be that tree when i first encountered the lonesome darling. I just want inner peace right now. I suppose it would be lonely if you were a tree in the middle of nowhere. I didn't see any birds visit that tree at all. The slope is actually that steep. Insane. I don't know how i ever climbed that thing. I've been excessively picking my face. Keep hands away from face! i need to grease my hands or slap myself every time i reach for a pimple. Gross.
I was able to watch the newest episode of Project Runway. Rami won and Chris got sent home. How tragic. I love Chris. What a character! Deep down, i knew those were the final three. I picked them out from the beginning. I should try my hand at gambling to see if my luck can actually hold water. I doubt it. Anyways, Chris did this crazy look using human hair. I must admit, it looked very pretty and i had no idea what he used. When i found out, i was kind grossed and intrigued. He's such a creative mind. Yesterday, my sis and i ditched the salsa-ing idea. We weren't in the mood to dance. I kind of miss old guy though. Maybe we will go again sometime soon. Instead of salsa-ing, i stayed at her apartment eating homemade bread! It was delish. I love bread and can eat it all day. She claimed it was healthier than store bought bread. She's the doc, so whatever she says goes. We were able to watch our show Make Me a Supermodel. LOVE! I'm not a big fan of the hosts, but the show is so captivating. I have a few faves i'm rooting for, so hopefully they make it to the end. The girls are outnumbered 2-5. I'm hoping for a comeback! The remaining girls are strong, so i'm just waiting for the guys to drop like flies.
You know what shouldn't drop? Your jeans when you are sitting!
This is the epitome of disgusting, walking trash. Why am i reminded of this? I was sitting in class and the girl i sit next to had a bit too much to reveal. The things you notice when you quietly observe. I'm guessing this can go both ways, guys might find this look appealing or they find it gross. This is probably one of the worst fashion faux pas ever. Now, let me try to understand this look. Girls with no shame are basically saying, "look at me, i'm sexy because i'm wearing a sexilicious thong...and you know because i've pulled it so far up my butt that i look constipated." I guess it's suppose to be appealing. Easy girls trying to get some? Do they actually think they are more attractive waving their thong around in public? What a shame. I guess the guys that find this sort of thing attractive deserve the girls that are showing the thong.
I was watching Shallow Hal yesterday. It's been awhile since i've seen it and i greatly appreciated the humor. I can only take certain amounts of Jack Black, but i liked him very much in this movie. Actually, i like a lot of his movies. I prefer his comedy over people like Jim Carrey.

I actually liked Gweneth Paltrow in this movie too. The movie pokes fun at out superficial society. Inner beauty is what counts! Sadly, it's not true for all people. The movie kind of made me sad. There are a lot of great people out there, but we might not get to know them because of our prejudice against obesity, weight issues? It's like walking around with a screen around our vision. We want to see what we want to see and know who we want to know. I think obesity is a social problem that needs to be taken more seriously. It's a huge deal and i don't want America to be known as the Fat, Stupid Country anymore.
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