Today was so fun! The bf and i went downtown to visit the water gardens. It's so beautiful. You can walk down to the center and watch the water come down all around you. I never knew this place ever existed. The architecture was brilliant. I'm just so amazed that someone came up with this idea. There were so many details that i loved about the peaceful place. Although it's right next to a university, it's really quiet. I think it would be a perfect place to exercise, run, read or just have some alone time. It was relatively small so we went through the garden pretty fast. All of them had its own uniqueness. Today was overall really pleasant. The sun was out and the wind blowing. If anything, it was a little chilly. We ate subways (yum for lunch!) at the gardens, i think at a place called mountain garden? We had time to kill before picking up little brother, so we decided to walk around the mall. I picked up a shirt at old navy for 5 dollars. I love deals. It's a really simple shirt with puffed sleeves and a v-line neck. I aim towards chic simplicity.
Afterwards, we went to watch a movie.

I can safely say that Horton is one of my heroes. He is just so darned inspiring. I wasn't introduced to Dr. Seuss books until i was older, but i wish i was. There is so much meaning behind the movies/books that i doubt most children would understand anyways. It's just that the literature Dr. Seuss writes is so imaginary, whimsical, fantastical, magical and all the wondrous words combined, that it makes it hard to concentrate on the substance that's overshadowed by the pictures and creatures created. It's such a sweet movie and the best part (i think) is that it inspires (you to believe, perhaps?)! I laughed a lot throughout the movie because it was just so darned cute. The ending was spectacular and it was well made overall. The voice cast was also amazing. The mayor and his wife are Steve Carrell and Amy Poehler, and Jim Carrey of course is Horton. I like Steve Carrell. Besides this movie, i think i liked him best in little miss sunshine. He is a little overrated, but i don't mind. Amy Poehler is sweet because she believes! She is the funny lady of SNL. I've never been a big fan of Jim Carrey's comedy, but i think he fits the character of Horton. I'm glad he was casted. Carol Burnett plays the mean-head Kangaroo. Perhaps she is most famous for her show, The Carol Burnett Show. I didn't watch it because it was way before my time, but i've seen some episodes and her slapstick comedy is amusing. I also know her from the original movie-musical, Annie. She was that mean wench that owned the orphanage. And last but not least, Jesse McCartney voices JoJo, the weird kid. He's quite forgettable, but he was definitely charming.

I watched an episode of (America's Next Top Model) ANTM. I don't know if i really like this season. The girls were kind of not pleasing to the eye. Most of them were either catty or personality-less. There's this one girl (i think her name was Dominique) that is just so darned weird. In every season, you always have the "i'm already the winner" girl. She thinks she's all that, so she talks about herself in third person. Is that really cool? I personally think she looks old. I hope she doesn't win. I was happy to see that this episode included the fabulous, Benny Ninja. Last semester i watched a documentary on trannies living in NY and loving VOGUE. I can't believe the house of ninja is still going on! I'm glad, it's definitely culture and i hope it lasts for a long time. He vogues like no other and watching the house of ninja vogue was eye-popping. It's distortion and femininity mixed into one. It's quite neat. Anyways, this is the first ep i've seen of ANTM, so i don't have a fave yet. I didn't watch last season either. As you can see, i've moved onto BRAVO. The only time i revert back to old school tv is when i'm at home. It's not all bad.
All in all, i think my break has been going so well. I think the best part of it is spending most of the time with the bf. I love the pics i'm taking that documents my week and i'm excited to put them up. They'll probably be posted on fb. Rather than posting a million pics in a post, i'll link up the album for easy viewing. The bf is quite artsy fartsy with his picture taking skills. All this and he doesn't even have his own camera. Amazing, little grasshopper learns fast!

Now onto news. So when life gets hard, what is a man to do? Well, here's an option: auction off your life. Where would you do that? On Ebay of course! Oh, the crazy things we humans do. An Australian man is ebaying his house, job, clothes, and friends in attempt to start up a new life after a broken marriage. [
read more here]. The man, Ian Usher, is starting the auction on June 22. If you're interested, check his website
www.alife4sale.com, which provides a link to eBay for bidders. "When it's over, I will just walk out the front door, take my wallet, my passport and start a new life," he said. Is this a bit extreme or worth it? I really like ebay, but i don't know if i'd bid on something like that. It's a bit riskay. I hope all things go well with him. I think after a heartbreak, he deserves to start fresh. Why can't he just move to a new place? Isn't that easier? I guess some people like to leave an impression.
Cute picture of the day.

AWW, Aren't Asian babies darling! Pudgey-pudge!
Labels: fun news, life, movies, shopping, television
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