Rainy Days are Happy Days

Today is an overall happy day except for a few mishaps, but i'm sure i'll get to that later. I woke up to the clapping of rain. Well, actually i woke up to my little sister saying/yelling, "EWW! Little brother peed in his bed...AGAIN!" That's really nasty. Are boys in general impossible to potty train at such a "young" age? He is in 4th grade. Anyways, it's been raining nonstop all day. It's horrible. I thought i'd have to stay in because my dad said, "don't go anywhere; it's dangerous!" I ignored his request/demand and went to the bf's house to hang out. It was fun. We ate korean food for lunch at samwon garden. It was delish. Afterwards, we went to the mall. I finally got my dark-wash, skinny jeans today. They were at Forever 21. It's so pretty. Then, we got ice cream at coldstone for ice cream. I got the yummy coffee light ice cream with crushed heath bars. I love heath bars.
Now, for the unfortunate mishap. I only think these type of things only happen in movies (and weird people), but life threw a curve ball at me. I'm now one of the weird people. Oh well, there's always a first for everything. So, it was raining really really hard and i was was wearing flip flops because my rain boots are at school. There were humongous puddles, so the bf carried me on his back for a piggy-back ride because i trip really easily. Note to self, not a good idea when you're a GOHP (look at previous entry for acronym definition). Needless to say, my pants were kinda ruined and his jacket was kinda stained. I felt kind of embarrassed and irked that i let this happen (good thing the feeling didn't last more than 15 secs). But the bf made me feel better because he wasn't ragging on me about it. He duly noted that i was kind of happy and giddy in the car, despite the condition i'm in. He said this because i was dancing around in the car and cracking jokes with a wide smile on my face. Anyways, i patched things up at his house. While i was washing the stain out, the bf gave my bball shorts to wear. AH-HA! Another one to add to my budding collection.
One of the craziest things in the world is traffic. I don't really understand this. Well, i understand that it happens, but why. The reasons why people slow down are either reasonable or really stupid. Reasonable traffic is like when there is a huge car accident that occupies 3 out of 4 lanes. You just have to suck it up and drive in that one lane. Stupid would be when theres a huge car accident on the other side of the freeway and the only reason there is a hold up is because people are nosy and want to see the action on the other side of the road. I just understand people. When you slow down, people behind you slow down. And then there are the braker-happy people. They brake for every reason, even if the car in front of them (which is 10 million feet away) is braking. What the heck. I understand the whole personal bubble concept, but that's just a little too much. The two things i don't like about Texas is the unpredictable weather and traffic. The times to avoid the road (in general): 9 o'clock morning rushing hour and 5 o'clock evening traffic.
On another note, a girl is sportin' the same sunglasses as me! The bf told me about her and i looked really closely at one of her pics and it seems very identical. I bought (well, the bf bought) those off ebay! Ebay needs to be a little more "one-of-a-kind." The only difference is that her shades are purple and mine are pink. Good thing i'm prettier! Now, isn't that shallow for you (har har). I'm actually just honestly accessing her physical features seen off of pics (since i've never met the girl). i think she's asian, but she has very "black" people features. She has a very distinct, prominent lip and her eyes are kind of droopy. On top of that, her hair has weird funky purple things in it. It looks like someone dropped paint in her hair and she was too lazy to wash it off. I'm beign quite mean. That's why i never say anything when people ask me what i thought of them the first time i met them - the whole, first impressions thing.
Now, the bf was given the task of looking up brilliant news, instead of the cute pic of the day. I really like the site he showed me. It's called fwdemails.com and it's really neat-o. I particularly like this post on cool inventions. It made me chuckle reading about the different inventions. Another really neat website to waste time on is thecutereport.com because it's pure cuteness. I liked looking at the cute animal posts. If you want to smile a little bit more, make sure to check out hellishhumor, especially this post. Isn't is so darned cute?
What is that and why is it, dare you ask, floating?

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