Crazy GOHPs
When you're on your period, everything is a mess. I know, is this too much information for you? It's horrible because you pms, you're moodier, meaner and an overall an ugly person. Being nice is extremely hard, even for an extremely nice person. I'm not saying i'm extremely nice, but i'm nice and it's hard for me to be nice when it's that time of the month. So if i snap at you, it's because i feel nasty and gross, not because you did something seriously wrong and deserved that kind of treatment. To a girl on her period (GOHP), everything you say might be misconstrued for the worst.
Let me give you some examples:
Person 1: What do you want to do?
GOHP: I don't know, don't care.
P 1: Me neither, just tell me what we should do.
GOHP: How the hell should i know?! Would you freaken make up your mind and stop asking me questions. You're indecisiveness is getting on my nerves.
>> Note how GOHP is being stupid because she is equally indecisive. But, it's ok for her to be mean because it's her time of the month, so P 1 isn't going to get mad.
Person 2: You look tense, chill for a bit.
GOHP: Why do i look tense? I don't want to chill.
P 2: But you should...just sit back and rest.
GOHP: I told you i didn't to. Are you deaf? Stop bossing me around. All you do is tell me to do this and do that. Am i some puppet to you? [insert curse word]
>>Note how GOHP is irrational. In normal circumstances she would have just tossed it aside, but guess what?? She's on period so her brain is all screwy.
Person 3: You look tired.
GOHP: Oh, really? Thanks.
P 3: Yea, you should shower [giggle]
GOHP: Shut the eff up you effer. [insert curse word according to level of pms]
>>Note how GOHP is an awful wench going off on P 3 for making a joke. Stupid much?
Lesson learned? Anything GOHP says should not be held accountable. Those examples aren't derived
from personal experience (well, maybe?), but you get the gist. They are pretty real to me. I see GOHPs all the time. It kind of sucks to be one of them sometimes or rather every month. GOHP's are also bad drivers. It sucks when people already think you are a bad driver because when you're on your period it's like you're the worlds worst/meanest driver. Usually, i'm patient and don't really care when i'm tailgated. I respect people's bubble so i expect people to respect mind. Well, there was none of that today. Can you say, road rage? Albeit, very minor, but it was definitely rage. It sucks when the person cutting you off is in a bigger truck/car than you because you can't give them the "death glare" to show them that you are pissed off. So you're stuck with yelling and screaming in your own car. I need a better way to deal with this, especially off the road.
When i got home, the bf fed me! It was very sweet of him. He made spicy spaghetti. It wasn't as good as mine it'll suffice. After that i went home and was fed by my mom. She made bun rieu. When i was done eating I went to my grandma's house to say hello. My mom was giving grandma a perm, so i asked her if she could trim my hair. She said yes and she did more than trim. The length is fine, it's just something i can't pinpoint. Maybe i have to sleep on it and see how outside people react to it. My mom also cut my little sister's hair. It didn't look too good because i think she got tired half-way. I ended up fixing it and i really like it. It adds volume and she looks a lot cuter. I'm glad it all worked out. Towards the end of the night, my aunt painted my nails! It's so pretty. She works in a nail salon and i guess every girl in the house wanted to get their nails done that night. It doesn't look too hard. She used everyday stuff to create the look. I thin i might want to try. She painted my nails white first as a base (two coats). Afterwards she used acrylic paint to draw the flowers on. The flowers are light blue and lilac! They are painted on my ring finger and my thumb. I'm so fresh. I was imagining the bf saying, "white - so fresh & fly," for some reason. Anyways, i'm glad and happy about my nails. Now all i need is my skin to cooperate and be nice to me.
i don't have my camera chord with me so i can't post pics up, but when i find a way to do so, i will. I imagine that there will be a post that is severely picture heavy. You are warned.
Let me give you some examples:
Person 1: What do you want to do?
GOHP: I don't know, don't care.
P 1: Me neither, just tell me what we should do.
GOHP: How the hell should i know?! Would you freaken make up your mind and stop asking me questions. You're indecisiveness is getting on my nerves.
>> Note how GOHP is being stupid because she is equally indecisive. But, it's ok for her to be mean because it's her time of the month, so P 1 isn't going to get mad.
Person 2: You look tense, chill for a bit.
GOHP: Why do i look tense? I don't want to chill.
P 2: But you should...just sit back and rest.
GOHP: I told you i didn't to. Are you deaf? Stop bossing me around. All you do is tell me to do this and do that. Am i some puppet to you? [insert curse word]
>>Note how GOHP is irrational. In normal circumstances she would have just tossed it aside, but guess what?? She's on period so her brain is all screwy.
Person 3: You look tired.
GOHP: Oh, really? Thanks.
P 3: Yea, you should shower [giggle]
GOHP: Shut the eff up you effer. [insert curse word according to level of pms]
>>Note how GOHP is an awful wench going off on P 3 for making a joke. Stupid much?
Lesson learned? Anything GOHP says should not be held accountable. Those examples aren't derived

When i got home, the bf fed me! It was very sweet of him. He made spicy spaghetti. It wasn't as good as mine it'll suffice. After that i went home and was fed by my mom. She made bun rieu. When i was done eating I went to my grandma's house to say hello. My mom was giving grandma a perm, so i asked her if she could trim my hair. She said yes and she did more than trim. The length is fine, it's just something i can't pinpoint. Maybe i have to sleep on it and see how outside people react to it. My mom also cut my little sister's hair. It didn't look too good because i think she got tired half-way. I ended up fixing it and i really like it. It adds volume and she looks a lot cuter. I'm glad it all worked out. Towards the end of the night, my aunt painted my nails! It's so pretty. She works in a nail salon and i guess every girl in the house wanted to get their nails done that night. It doesn't look too hard. She used everyday stuff to create the look. I thin i might want to try. She painted my nails white first as a base (two coats). Afterwards she used acrylic paint to draw the flowers on. The flowers are light blue and lilac! They are painted on my ring finger and my thumb. I'm so fresh. I was imagining the bf saying, "white - so fresh & fly," for some reason. Anyways, i'm glad and happy about my nails. Now all i need is my skin to cooperate and be nice to me.
i don't have my camera chord with me so i can't post pics up, but when i find a way to do so, i will. I imagine that there will be a post that is severely picture heavy. You are warned.
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