Crazy and Clean

Awkwardly intense people are just a bit too much for me to handle. Add in a little "know-it-all" arrogance and it's over for me. People are just crazy. It's weird how some people talk. There are some with a nice, soothing voice. It's a voice that i can listen to all day and more. There are some with a loud, obnoxiousness to it that you just wish they kept their mouth shut all day. It's so weird to talk and shout at the same time. I was talking to a person yesterday that was shouting/talking to me. Can you please use your indoor voice? Have you learned nothing from kindergarten? At least i learned that. Anyways, that's what i notice. People in general are crazy. I also learned a new word: hortatory - urging to some course of action; encouraging. Now, everyone must use it! It's pronounced just as it's spelled. I remembered when i was memorizing this monologue/play i had to learn eleemosynary. I thought (and still think) it's one of the coolest words out there. That play was weird and i can't believe i even attempted to memorize it. It's a one-act play that follows the relationship between three generations of women.

Don't you hate it when you walk out of taking a test realize that you royally screwed yourself? I sort of feel like that. I don't know what i was thinking. Well, i think i might be a tad over dramatic, but i kind of wish i sat there and thought a little bit more. I knew Burke's reading on Terministic Screes, yet i didn't write about the topic. Why do i always blank at the last minutes. BIG SIGH! I was walking on the sidewalk and there was this lady with 3 wiener dogs. The first two were kinda ugly: long and uber skinny. The third one, however, was too cute for words!! It was white and light brown. The little thing was pudgey and just a baby! I'm not a big fan of those type of dogs, but that one was really, truly cute. I don't know what's up with the animal pics today. Seeing those little dogs reminded me of Ollie. I miss that little sucker ball.
I went to Hayashi today for lunch. I was craving soup, so i got Tempura Udon. It's so yummy. I love udon. I think i can just eat the noodles by itself. Afterwards, i went shopping around wolfe ranch. Since it's smaller than usual shopping centers, it was easy to go through. I went to Old Navy and bought me a pair of shorts! Now, i usually buy things even if they aren't my size and try to make it pass for my size. Obviously, something is wrong if your shorts are a tug away from dropping. For some reason when i shop, i only find sizes 3 and up. I'm not a 3, but i buy 3's anyways. Thats not a good idea. Anyways, i found a nice pair of shorts that are just cutesy. [sneak a peek]

If you get bored often and want to surf the net but are out of ideas or places to serf, here is a suggestion. I found this sites while i was bored and procrastinating. I hope you have fun reading this as mush as i do! The site is called Photoshop Disasters. This makes me laugh. I never paid much attention to detail, but now i think i should. It's amazing what people will see if they just quietly observe.

I'm listening to music as i'm writing this entry. The bad thing about listening to music is that your hearing is endangered. Why do i say this? While i was in class Weds, we were doing a couple of experiments testing the peoples audible range. Apparently, i'm lacking. I couldn't hear a lot of the higher pitches. I remember when i was little i was afraid of becoming deaf. I always imagined myself hearing random "ringings," similar to beethoven's case. That's scary as heck. Right now, i think i hear better in my left ear than in my right. Isn't that weird?
My room is exceptionally cold today. When i'm typing, i think all the blood is drained from my fingers because they are tilted upward. By the time i'm done, i'll usually have purple-ish, blue-ish hands. My palms turn color. I thought that was weird until i realized the trend. I'm a typing fiend. A lot of my friends say i sound like a machine gun. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Today's weather is just perfect for swimming and beaching. Is it time to look for another swim suit? Hmm.
Cute picture of the day.
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