Tuesday, March 11

Gripes and Art

APO Mafia. I didn't know it would be this intense? So we are given a hit list of 6 people and it's your mission to kill or be killed. Killing times begin at 7.30 a.m and ends at midnight. So after the meeting, i went back and showered. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. Of course, that's when i hear a knock. It was my friend and i didn't think anything of it because shes so misleadingly cute. Anyways, i open the door in my towel and BAM she hits me with a nerf dart right on my chest. Moreover, a friend of hers was there as a witness, so he saw me in my towel. Gosh darn. I hate being killed first. I'm so weak sauce. I'm also feeling a little sluggish today. I slept a little late, but i woke up at 10 so it should compensate for the late bed time. In total, i think i got about 8 hours in. That's a lot of sleep! I was surprised that i managed to sleep with that buzzing in the background.

I'm at work and i should be working on my papers, but i'm just such a procrastinator that i'm now blogging. Is that good? Well, the good thing is that you don't have other distractions such as aim, msn, music, or anything bright and sparkly on your desk. The bad thing about being at work or the lab in general is that you have no privacy. I like to youtube, download stuff, blog, look at pictures, google, and it's so weird when you know people are walking behind you glancing behind your shoulder. They are definitely judging me. How do i know they are looking over my shoulder? It doesn't take 10 seconds to open a door. The door is directly behind where i sit and they just take their leisure time walking in and out of the room. It's so awkward to have them do their little pause because they are nosy. I know their opinion of me doesn't really matter, but it's truly annoying. All i can say is, you can't judge a book by its cover. I know i look up weirdo stuff on the internet (weird, not disgusting) and a part of it reflects who i am. But its not totally accurate. For instance, i watch a lot of stupid tv. I need chillax time. So i watch E and Bravo: Girls Next Door, Project Runway, Flavor of Love. Does that mean i'm a stupid blonde who loves fashion and rap? No, it's just something i find funny. It's humor and it makes me feel better about life.

Li Wei is a contemporary artist from Beijing. His work often depicts him in apparently gravity-defying situations. Its really neat to go through his portfolio. [read more here] He calls it "falling into [insert place]" Apparently he's really famous in China and highly recognized for his work. I like the pictures of his son. Or at least i think he uses his son. There's this one in particularl where the tiny boy is naked and standing next to the window. The little boy is so cute. From the back, he sort of reminds me of baby brian when he was young and cute. I think he uses a lot of photoshop to accomplish a lot of his things. Art is so strange. It's definitely in the eye of the beholder. I know that i like modern, contemporary art a lot. There's this guy on youtube that i love to watch whenever i get the chance to. I remembered watching his body art titled "Influences."

It's so bizarre how people can think like that. His user name is Philinthecircle. Isn't that too cute? On top of that, it's a pun. How neat. I really want a cool youtube name now. It's just so hard to think up of something when your brain is worked out so badly. School is getting harder by the day. I already know a couple of people that are transferring to UT because the tuition and workload are getting to them.

I'm at work and one of the things i try not to do (in any public place) is use the bathroom. But, gosh darn it, sometimes i just can't hold it in. This time, instead of an irritating smell, the toilet seat was up! In addition, there was a platter of pee everywhere. That is so disgusting. I don't understand why guys can't clean up after themselves after using the toilet. Is it too hard to wipe your own pee? Or is it too hard to pull down the toilet seat? You should be responsible for yourself. Before i went, i had to do a wipe down. It was so gross. I felt so dirty afterwards. I know, many girls gripe about this, but it's a must! I'm so glad the bf doesn't leave the toilet seat up. My dad does though. I told him about the dangers of leaving the seat up, especially in a house full of girls! At night, when you really need to pee but just too lazy to turn on the lights...you might fall in the toilet! That, would be my personal experience for ya. If only someone could invent a lever, foot pump or something that a guy can press so that the lid would automatically pop up. That would be so nice. I got this idea because i was looking at a trashcan. It's so handy when you don't have to touch things like that. I don't even flush the toilet with my hands. I raise my foot and press the lever down so that i wouldn't have to touch it. So many germs! This is a major pink eye alert. Guys, if you want to find a way into a lady's heart, have bathroom manners!

I have lots of papers to write.

Cute picture of the day.

i never thought it'd be so painful.

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