I was really bored in class and started to draw on myself. I thought it was so amusing that i started chuckling to myself. It's quite ridiculous. I never draw on myself. When i was little, my dad always said if you draw on yourself you'll turn into one of those gangsters that sport tattoos. He takes it a step further and says, "you want a tattoo right? You ant to grow up to be a low-life gangster." I always thought it was silly, but i never drew on myself after that. He scared me too much. Today, i feel a lot better. All i have left is a test on Friday and then i'll be ok. Spring break is so close i can almost taste it. I just need a refresher. I'm looking at April calender and it looks super busy. Oh, dear.
Sometimes, people frustrate me. Remember that little cartoon i put up awhile that was in Korean? Well it depicts two types of acorns. The first is the complainer stuck in a situation. Instead of trying to get yourself out of the situation, you kind of just sit there and gripe about the unfairness that is life. The second is the do-er, trying to get yourself out of a bad spot. Instead of

sitting there useless, you do all you can to get yourself out or make the situation better. So, i'm taking on that philosophy. If something is wrong, do something about instead of complain about the wrongness of the situation. Its not going to get any better if you vent. Well, it might make you feel better but the situation remains. It might also be the thinking at fault. If you are so focused on wanting a certain outcome, you totally overlook how to achieve it. For instance, say you want to throw a party, a great kick-butt, shiznit party. Instead of doing stuff to make the party great, you sit on your butt and just expect it to happen. How in the world is that going to work? You have to work from the bottom up. There's the food, music, decorations, publicity that all goes into making a part great. You can't just jump from one thing to another and expect greatness. It doesn't work that way; life doesn't work that way. About the picture, i know it's a creepy looking guy, but i thought it was semi-appropriate. I don't know how his eye is bulging out like that. It looks freaky. I'm going to try to make that face.
Since i'm hungry, i'm thinking about all the really good things i can whip up really fast. The best thing is an easy sandwich. I like my sandwich to have mustard, turkey meat, and loads of vegetables like spinach, tomatoes (even though it's technically a fruit), mushrooms, pickles, jalapeños, and cucumbers. If there's guacamole, throw that into the mix. It's super yummy. For

some reason, i don't like putting cheese into my sandwich. Along with that, i like to put salad dressing. Thousand Island dressing is really good with a nicely made sandwich and it's healthy. If you have ramen, it's even better and easier since you just pop everything into the microwave. What i like to do is cook some eggs first and have that at the bottom of my ramen. Make sure that its thoroughly cooked before you pour the ramen on top. After that, you can put extra ingredients like mystery meat (cha), shrimp, and your vegetables like mushroom and spinach. It's super simple and super easy. Sometimes i eat that as a midnight snack. Right now, i really miss making spaghetti. I'm pretty good at it and the bf can testify! It's the only thing i can properly make. Too bad i don't know how to make the sauce from scratch. I think i might want to investigate the how-to's of going about that. That might be my cooking attempt over the break. Goodness, i'm so hungry.
Wow, i accidentally threw up a little in my mouth. When i swallowed it, i made this really nasty face thinking that it was really gross. I hate it when those accidental things happen. There were people passing out sunglasses around campus. They are quite retro. Thank you Barcus!

Why is the quality so bad? It's my webcam. I was too lazy to adjust anything so it turned out horrible. But those are the glasses they passed out. If there's anything FREE, i'm there. They are orange, if i had a choice i would've gotten the hot pink ones. Maybe the bf likes? My desk is really dirty and i have random things spewing everywhere. It's a sad, sad sight.
You know what else is sad? A woman stuck in a toilet...for not 2 sec, not 2 min, but 2 years.

I randomly chose this picture to represent the article i'm talking about. In Wichita, Kansas a woman got stuck in her boyfriend's toilet seat for so long that her body began to grow around it. She initially refused help because she was "embarrassed." After convincing, the toilet seat was pried off the toilet and she was sent to the hospital (toilet seat still attached to her rump). Authorities have yet to determine the fate of the woman's bf who promised to feed her everyday during the toilet seat fiasco. He asked her is she needed help everyday and her response would always be, "Maybe tomorrow." There is no mention as to why it took the boyfriend 2 years to make the phone call. [
read more here] How the heck does someone get stuck in the toilet? And why did it take 2 years for someone to speak up? Even though the experience was probably personally mortifying, it wouldn't have to be publicly mortifying if you asked for help right then and there. Shame on the boyfriend for not helping his girlfriend out. It's so insane how people think nowadays. If i ever get stuck in an embarrassing situation, i expect ya'll (friends, family, bf) to think on my behalf and act upon the better judgment. Otherwise i'd be in the news categorized under "Crazy Woman."
Another crazy thing i read today should be categorized as bizarre. I think the picture explains everything.

How crazy can inventors get? Here's your chance to get your very own Bitchcruiser. These are available for bid on ebay. You've got until March 16th to decide. If you are going bid on this, make sure to tap into your life savings fund because it's starting at $2,303.81. [
source] I had a good laugh at this for awhile when i first came upon this. I've got a knack for finding weird articles. Anyways, this is majorly tacky. It's just screaming, "i haven't had sex in too long, so this is the outcome." I can't believe anyone would ride this in public, much less by it. You are either really perverted, a sex addict, or something sex-deprived to be interested in this. If you know anyone buying this, do tell.
Cute picture of the day.
This is my kind of car.
Labels: food, friends, fun news, life, sunglasses, toilets
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