Rainy Days

Well it's raining and it's pouring
and my old man, well he is snoring
rainy day stay
well my brother, he builds a puzzle
on the blue rug with lazy bubbles
rainy day please stay
rain rain don't go away, the sun can come back another day
rainy day please stay
Cute much? These are Korean animal hats. I only recognize one actress from the bunch. Jun Jihyun, the girl in the top left corner is the My Sassy Girl! I really like the bear hat the girl in the top left corner is wearing. I like how they are unisex. Guys can wear them too and you don't have to be fruity either! I also like the sheep one. They are just so darned cute. I don't know how i'd look though. Seeing other people with them on and you actually wearing one are two very different things. They're perfect for winter! I think if there was a store around here that sold those things, i'd definitely check them out. It's just too cute to pass up.and my old man, well he is snoring
rainy day stay
well my brother, he builds a puzzle
on the blue rug with lazy bubbles
rainy day please stay
rain rain don't go away, the sun can come back another day
rainy day please stay
The song is very charming. Usually, on rainy days i listen to The Carpenters -Rainy Days and Mondays. It's freezing outside, 36 degrees and damp. I nearly froze my behind this morning during the cow observations. The wind knew we were there and tormented us by blowing in our faces relentlessly. The rain is awful. I guess in the song, she was singing about pretty, summer rain. That, i love. Ugly, dark, cold rain is awful. It makes your day horrible. This is the perfect day to stay inside and eat pizza. I don't know what it will be like tomorrow. I hope it's prettier and dry. I have a banquet and i want my dress to stay the same color. It's snowing again in DFW! How lovely.
I had lunch with my professor today. He is so charming and such a gentleman. When i'm not
around the bf, i forget that there are really nice respectful men out there. He opened the door for me and was just overall, very father-like. We went to eat at a quaint, darling little place on the square called Chantal's. I had delicious turkey pot pie. It sort of looked like this picture. I loved it! I never had really good pot pie before, so i'm really glad i got it. I want to try to make it. It doesn't seem very hard. It's like a thickened soup with a pastry patty on top. Delish. We talked about everything. I'm so very glad that i have a professor/advisor like him. Talking to him sort of brightens your day. He picks you up and makes you feel better about yourself. He also has amazing stories. You're never bored around him.
We got into the topic of friends. I don't know why were talking about this. We were talking about
hazing before. The stories were awful. I was so surprised to hear that hazing still happens everywhere. I guess it's such a surreal topic. I've only associated hazing with movies and never thought anything of it. It's really bad! I kind of want to google it. Anyways, i told him i always thought that i was socially awkward. I always hung out with the weirdos. He said that i was, "different and charming." Way to say put it lightly. I remember when i was in 5th grade, i was part of what you called the "popular" crowd. I don't know how i got myself in there, but i was in. By summer, i realized that i didn't like it. My "friends" weren't really my friends and decided that i was going to change. I slipped out of the crowd and sort of did my own thing. I've been doing my own thing ever since. Now, if you give me a group of people to choose from, I would naturally gravitate towards the loners/awkward/nerds/outcasts. My professor said that he never saw me as that type of person. I don't know, i've always been a nerd at heart. I just also happen to love fashion and girly stuff.
I was looking through the web for different hats. I initially set out to search for earflap hats, but came across cutey hats. They look like this:

I had lunch with my professor today. He is so charming and such a gentleman. When i'm not

We got into the topic of friends. I don't know why were talking about this. We were talking about

I was looking through the web for different hats. I initially set out to search for earflap hats, but came across cutey hats. They look like this:

It takes me a long time to write posts. I don't know why. I've always been a slow think. On average, i would say it takes me an hour+ to write a post. I have to organize my thoughts and search for corresponding pictures to add "flavor" to the text. I also think i have slight A.D.D, that might explain a couple of things. Ever since school started and kickboxing stopped, i've stopped exercising. I'm going to get to work on my body over spring break and hopefully continue when i come back to school. I'm also going to learn the "khite," remove hair by thread. I'll update on that over the break next week.
Cute picture of the day.
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