This is what my hair looked like by the end of last night. I looked like i partied hard, but truthfully, i barely partied. The bf likes this picture, i just like the messy, wavy hair. It looks relaxed and alive. Right now, i'm testing the hot honey thing. I dabbed a little honey into a little lid and warmed it up. I stuck it in the microwave for about 10 secs. Since i only used a dab of honey, i probably should've only warmed it up 5-7 secs. After it's warmed, i used my finger to place the honey in troubled areas on my face. In this case, i slathered it all over my nose. I'm leaving it on for about 10-15 min. It should look like a clear gel mask on your nose. When i washed it off, my nose seems a lot softer. I'm going to keep doing this for a week and if i'll document the results by the end of this week. Hopefully this will help the blackheads go away. If this works, i'm going to recommend everyone i know suffering from blackhead woes to try this out. My skin is starting to clear up. I still want it clearer though. I think i'm going to look for natural masks and start experimenting. I used to do aspirin masks and that worked for awhile. Before the aspirin mask, i did lemon and then there was the aloe vera, and before that was the egg mask. My mom is really into trying out new skin care things and so she got me into them as well. I kind of miss treating my skin well.

What is this delectable dessert you ask? It's called spaghetti ice cream. You are probably thinking it's disgusting...cold spaghetti. [
read more here] It just imitates the spaghetti look. There are so spaghetti products in the ice cream itself. It's just vanilla ice cream, strawberries, and grated white chocolate. That is so cool! I really want to try something like this. I don't know how people come up with stuff like this. Creative juices are definitely working for the makers. Apparently, the ice cream is similar to Dip n Dots, but it's better tasting. I love ice cream. It's one of my many vices. I can eat it all day, non-stop.

For some reason, this topic is always brought up (while i'm self-reflecting or around friends). I'm constantly reminded about the different types of friends i have. Recently, i've come to face a lot more "fakes" than i've wanted to encounter. To one person or group of friends, they appear one way and to another group they appear totally different. In front of me they'd act childish, but while on the phone with their bf, they would act 10x more mature. What is that?? The little act gets annoying after awhile. And then there's the character of a girl. There is the type of girl that can talk crap about other girls, but when you start saying things about their friends or something about their personality...she starts to show her fangs. It's all about manipulation and how well you can string people along and still hold up your front. Girls are dangerous. I've met those types of girls in the last couple of weeks and it's really scary to see girls put their power to use. They know they have the upper hand and when their dark side comes out, it's like a double-take. On the outside, they appear to be the sweetest girls, but deep down it's like their harbor dark feelings towards unsuspecting victims. I say unsuspecting because sometimes you don't even know you are on their bad side until it's too late. I guess by talking through this, i'm trying to understand what girls are all about or at least trying to.

Girls are unpredictable and we're more unpredictable when it comes to love. I say that because tonight i watched the play Fiddler on the Roof. The father sacrificed so much for his daughter's. He wanted them to be happy and find love. It's all very sweet. But, tt's also really sad. It makes you think about the diaspora happening back then and present day. I kind of wanted to see the whole 20 years later sorta thing. I guess that's up to my own imagination. The theater i was sitting in was beautiful! The set was fantastic and the orchestra was really great. For awhile you really though that the music came off of a cd or something.
For dinner i had cereal, a banana, and half a bagel. When Fiddler was done, i was starving. I ended up eating a sandwich and microwaving some soup. That reminds me, this morning i volunteered at R.O.C.K. A place where disabled kids/adults ride horses as a form of therapy. They are not handicapped, they are handicapable! It was awful (not the kids, i mean the weather!). The weather was against us and the wind was blowing in our faces. My nose was dripping and i almost got pooped on. I was standing next to the horse towards the horse's rump and LeRoy (the horse) decided to take a crap. The poo came in pellets and barely missed me. It smelled really bad. Today was orientation and i learned how to drag people off horses in case of emergencies. I could barely life the person off the horse because the person was bigger than me and the horse was so tall. Then, i became the person who got hauled off, twice. The first time she picked me up and dumped me on the floor. The second time, another girl wrapped her arms too high (cutting into my boobage area) and proceeded to drag me off. I don't know how this is going to work. Me and horses aren't a good mix.

I've never been good with horses, but the only actual experience i've had with them was today. So i'm kind of indifferent right now. What i know i don't like are nasty cockroaches. In Malaysia, a girl woke up with an ear ache. She had no clue what it was until her family took a closer look into her ear. Turns out a nasty cockroach found its way into her ear. The family turned to the hospital for help and they're doing all they can for her. [
read more here] That is crazy. I've always been afraid of eating spiders in my sleep, now i have to worry about cockroaches. Those little bugs have always scared me. During my soph year of hs, i had a teacher who took advantage of the fact that i was squeemish towards everything, especially cockroaches. He just liked my reactions and so he always found ways to torment me. One time we were watching a boring documentary and i had fallen asleep. He quietly walked towards me and placed a fake, rubber cockroach on my desk right near my face. When i woke up and saw that thing, i screamed and jump maybe 5ft away from my desk. It was truly disgusting. It looked so real! Sometimes he would randomly throw them at em during class because he thought of me as class entertainment. How nice.
Cute picture of the day.
"I'll help you!"
Labels: face, food, friends, fun news, life
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