
I get to work at 8 and my sis calls me and says, "cut my hair." The troubles of hair cutting. If i had pictures of past haircuts, i'd totally flip. I don't think my life's calling is a hair dresser, but i try. That's all i can do. I just hope that i don't, in the process of trying, screw up. I know hair is just hair and it grows, but...i like my hair? The picture of the dog is just funny. I think i should try hair cutting on dogs first or maybe dolls. After i've mastered that, i should be allowed to touch human hair. While i was cutting my sister's hair, i cut my finger. I happen to do that ALL the darned time. That stinks. I need to be more careful with the scissors. All in all, i hope things look ok. I'm going to have to assess the outcome tomorrow. Sigh.
I'm excited. Tomorrow i'm going salsa dancing with my sis and a couple of friends. I like salsa-ing. You don't have to have any skill. All you need is a person who knows what they're doing and you're set. Have faith that he can lead you correctly.
I was watching this youtube thing that i think is super duper adorable.
Its so cute!!!! I think i like the younger girl. She's only 4! Age 4 is when kids get ultra cute. They know how to talk, but not enough to back talk. 5 is pushing it and 6 you're out of the cute kid phase. Oh, Koreans...so cuteness filled. So not that you've taken a dip into cuteness, look at this:

Since i've been in school, i've realized that people (girls especially) put on a show. Some are better than others at it. For instance, i grew up knowing only Vietnamese. So when i went to school, i had to slowly learn English while getting accustomed to the "American" way. It was hard and I was incredibly naive. By the third grade, i befriended this girl (that i later regret!!) that took advantage of my naivety. I thought she was the sweetest girl (oh, how i was wrong) and took everything she said at face value. Even when my parents were calling her out on her lies, i still stuck by her thinking she was "real." I finally realized that she was one of the most awfullest people i've ever met. It was already hard for me to categorize someone like that because i'm generally easy going and love people. She was just shallow, angry, a liar, and all bad things you can think of...combined. It took me 5 or 6 years to cut all ties between her because she was bad company and i don't want to (even now) associate myself with bad company. I snapped out of my la-la land after that. I like to think everyone is innately good, but sometimes their good is not realized. So the outcome is all kinds of mean and evil. After that ordeal, i was really carefully who i befriended because i didn't want to be in that position...ever again. Coming to college, i am still amazed at the amount of girls "front-ing." Its just hard to believe that girls can be so naive at this age. I guess the truth of the matter is that i can't stand fakes. If you are nice, you best act out your good intentions. Don't baby-talk your way around life, because that tactic is going to fail and you're going to end up in a rut. I don't mean to sound harsh because i'm not personally targeting anyone. This is just what i have on my mind right now. This is partly induced by PR/an analysis of friends. I'm happy with the people i've met here and i just hope that our friendship will be able to survive after college.
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