Saturday, May 24

Bad Sistering and Random Music

I felt like the world's worst sister today. It was awful. So i took little bro to his usual saturday morning golf lessons. I dropped him off at 11 because that's when his lesson begins. I asked him if he needed me to walk him there, but he said no. When I came back at 11.30, i decided to wait in the ac area because it was so darned hot outside. It was nearing 12 and i didn't see a lick of him. All of a sudden, i saw him chase a bright yellow golf ball that rolled across the table. What the heck, was he waiting outside all this time? Yes, he was. I asked him how long and he goes, "one hour," with tears bubbling in his eyes. What the heck? What happened to his lessons? Apparently, his last lesson was last saturday. Great, i failed the boy. On the drive home, he was crying really badly. I asked him if he was upset and he said no, but he kept crying. So finally, he said that he thought i forgot about him. Sigh. I felt so horrible! I was able to cheer him up by tempting him with crawfish and playing the slug-a-bug/yellow car game. Yellow car game is basically slapping a person if you see a yellow car. He likes to hit people i guess. We stopped by blockbuster to grab a video for him as well. i grabbed Lars and the Real Girl and he got The Seeker. It's pretty good, i guess. It was weird, but good? Little brother seemed to enjoy it.

The crawfish was delish! The bf bought 6 lbs. We were starving when we came home so we each ate a bowl of pho and dug into our crawfish afterwards. That's a might good dessert. It was majorly spicy and i'm pretty sure i choked a couple of times. It was all good. We were able to eat 4 lbs and we left the 2 lbs for my dad. My dad, mom, and older sister went to watch Van Son in concert. I think it was somewhere in Dallas? I love viet concerts, but the tapings are so long. I went to an Asia one once and it was dreadfully dull. I think it was because i didn't like the theme. It was, i think, remembering the lost soldiers. That doesn't appeal to me as much as i think it should. After that ordeal, i'd rather watch the tapes. Basically,the mcs just read from a proctor. That is so boring. I thought it was all impromptu. It should take more skills, but i guess it doesn't. You just have to be fluent in Viet, otherwise you'd look stupid. Tomorrow is Sunday and that means church. My parents are saying that we're going to the asian church. I'm kind of asian phobic. Too many ganster wannabe asians annoy me. And then, i get irritated by all the looks i get. I know i'm taller than everyone in the building! I'm a beast. I tower over everyone.

At my grandparent's place, we started doing our nails. All the girls in the house crowded around the table and all the fumes came together in a big rush. I kind of have a headache because of it. Anyways, i ended up doing my own toes and fingernails and my mom's and my aunt's. They said i'm pretty good! I think it's because i'm patient. I had no idea what i was doing, but i'm glad they liked it. At the end of the day, i think everything went well. The parents leaving for most of the day allowed me some brother bonding time. We are on good terms. I'm so glad. He still loves me! I am, after all, his favorite sister! Today was a wonderful day. I spent a lot of time with people i love. I'm kind of a GOHP right now, but it's alright. I guess that explains my bitchiness before. I'm so glad. Now that you all know, don't piss me off or my inner bitch will come out and attack you. Since i'm randomly youtubing, i've ransacked my brain for favorite songs. This one comes to mind: JS - Sha Po Lang

I can't say much for this series, except that there's ton of eye candy. The ending was bad and it lagged a lot. I remember skipping a lot of episodes because there was no need for me to sit through and suffer. The soundtrack is beautiful. It's a definite must have. It doesn't matter if you don't' speak or understand the language. I think music has the ability to break barriers. This song gives me the chills every time i listen to it. My friend made me a mixtape of great oldies. I'm loving them right now.

The chinese are stepping in terms of helping quake victims. As the first estimate of orphans — more than 4,000 — emerged Thursday from last week's deadly earthquake, thousands of Chinese are rushing to offer their homes. [read more here] It seems weird that the chinese are offering. China is overpopulated and adoption is so strict. I don't know. More power to them. I'm glad that they are helping their fellow citizens. I guess they want to keep their race within their country? I can ponder this forever.

Cute picture of the day.

Staplers can be cute too!

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