Yuma and Momma drama

First of all, like most movies i watch, i thought the cast was excellent. Kudus to the casters. I was never a really big fan of Russell Crowe. Maybe it's because i haven't really seen him in any movies. I know, i've heard that Gladiator is a must see, but it doesn't really intrigue me enough to sit down and watch that thing. This movie might have changed things for me. He's absolutely brilliant. He's charming, conniving, intelligent and very charismatic. He also plays the bad guy. On the other hand, you have the fantastic Christian Bale. These are great actors and played their characters to no fault. Watching the movie, i was torn. I loved both the characters. Although Crowe plays the criminal mastermind, you come to understand his complexity and want him to escape. At the same time, you sympathize with the protagonist because he's trying to make a life better for his family. Isn't it crazy that you can feel for both characters so strongly? The supporting cast was equally amazing. I particularly liked Ben Foster, the person behind the character Charlie. He's a crazy maniacal soul that terrifies you. He's somewhat of a loose cannon, loyal to the end. For some reason, this crazy mean-head is my favorite character in the movie. Besides the actors, the directing was very good. I kind of like the updated Western. The music was also great. Overall, i really liked it. The only problem for me is that it's a very somber ending. I don't want to give it away, but if you don't like death and violence...don't watch it. I give this movie a 4.5/5.
My mom cooked today. She made curry. Good thing i've been eating tons of curry lately. Anyways, i noticed that it's not the usual curry that she makes. It seemed a lot more watery. Apparently, my older sister told her to make it healthier by not using coconut milk. So now, it was watery and salty. That's a great combination. Older sis always has to ruin things for everyone...food-wise that is. My parents and i always get into a little tiff. Today it was about the car. So my aunt that just came over from VN is without a car. The car that was given to her broke down, so she has no means of transportation for her kids. That's bad because she takes her kids to summer school and such. My mom offered to lend her our white car and no one has a big problem about it. The thing is, we have an uncle that has 3 cars, 1 of which is unused but refuses to lend her the car. Selfish is all i can say. So we are lending our car to her, but my dad says that my mom has to go over there and show the car around to the new drivers just for precaution. My mom makes a big deal out of it and starts nagging at dad. She keeps saying how annoying he is for yelling at her. The thing is, he's yelling because she's freaking rude to him and yelled at him first. My dad said that their we have to keep insurance in mind, accidents might happen, etc. My mom says, "why are you bringing people into this discussion." Uh...DUH, because they are an important factor in driving. You might be the most responsible driver, but the likes of you getting into an accident because of some idiot you can't control is likely. She dismisses all of what we were saying and just goes on her business. My mother is insane.
I watched the first show of Wipeout today. It was funny, i remembered i laughed a lot. The stunts are really crazy. I don't think i could make the obstacle course. I remembered seeing something like this on a japanese game show though. I wouldn't be surprised if we ripped this one off of the japanese. After that show, there was the show "I Survived a Japanese Game Show." It was really interesting. It's a really famous game show that i've seen a lot on youtube. It's really crazy. I don't know how they think of these stunts. I think that atmosphered also adds to the experience. The people in the stands were crazy about the game. There was a M symbol that they do during the show that was kind of neat. I tried to replicate it, but it didn't really work. My brother is really fascinated though. He tried the M sign and during commercial, he would do the long jump around the house. It kind of reminds of what i did when i was little. It's been so long , i can't believe i remember things like that.
The GOHP has returned. I am breaking out. It's pretty gross.
Labels: movies, rants, television
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