Anticipated Movies and Life Complaints
It's set to release in Jan of 2008. This is an adaptation of Fitzgerald's short story. Fitzgerald noted that "This story was inspired by a remark of Mark Twain's to the effect that it was a pity that the best part of life came at the beginning and the worst part at the end." Doesn't it look so good? For some reason, Brad doesn't make me swoon. He's lost his touch. For me, he's never had a touch. I think he's a fine actor and very suave. Maybe he;s just getting old. He doesn't age as beautifully as some of the other actors in Hollywood.
I'm planning a trip out of town this weekend. i'm taking the little sister and bro. The bf was planning on going, but things changed. Now, i'm scouring houston to find a place to stay. Last minute changes are always so bummer. I don't know what to do. On friday, the little sister is hanging out with her friends. That leaves me alone in the hotel room with little bro. I have to find something to do. This is quite problematic. I don't know what i should do. At first, i was really looking forward to this trip, but now i don't know. I guess i'm just tired of being let down. I was being a real meanie today. Before i left the house to run errands, i told older sister to clean the kitchen. Of course she doesn't. By the time i got home, everything is still a mess. I proceed to clean up and ask her to do the dishes. She throws and fit and ends up crying. Of course i end up doing everything. All i ask is a little effort. If you are part of a family, you do your part. Is that too much to ask of anyone? I guess so. What a shame. I think the most hideous flaw i don't like about her is her selfishness. Everything is very much marsha's way, "me me me." Don't get me wrong, i'm selfish too. I guess for me, i'm not as selfish as her. Anyways, after that i take care of the little brother. My mom asks me a question and i snap back at her. I'm just tired of being called on all the time. There are other people in the house, but it always comes down to me.
I was doing a little cleaning. I went through my old clothes and packed the wearable ones into a bag. After dinner, i went to the grandpa's house. I gave the clothes to my little cousin. She absolutely loved them. It was very cute. She kept trying on different things. I remember wearing some of those things when i was in 6-7th grade. She's only in 1st grade and she's wearing them. She's kinda tubby. A lot of people are afraid she's on the fast track to obesity. I hope they put on her a diet soon. She's only 6 and wears like a size 8-10. That's not so bad, but i think it's something to worry about. A kid's world is hard, especially when they hit their teens. I don't want her to go through the teasing and insecurities that are brought on by her weight. It turns out that my fave cousin decided to play hairdresser today. He cut my other cousin's hair. She's around the same age. It's so funny because he thought he did a good job so he ran to his parents boasting about what he did. When they found out, he got yelled at and a good spanking. After that they asked him what he did and he answers, "i don't know." It was all very cute. I think everyone does that sort of thing when they're little. I remembered when i was little, i used a razor to shave off my eyebrow. I thought it was cool. When my mom found out she yelled at me and made me look int he mirror. I started crying so bad afterwards. Oh well. Kids are kids. They do kid stuff.
People will do crazy things to maintain beauty. The rave right now is "bird poo facials." This is supposed to be like a natural way to achieve the botox look. The bf actually told me about this. It's kind of neat. I don't know if i'm willing to slather bird poo on my face for a hefty price. The claims are too...outrageous. I would show you a youtube clip, but you can youtube it yourself if you're interested.
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