Friday, June 20

Shopping for Little Bros

Today was productive. I called the bf to see what he was doing before we (my siblings and i) headed over to his house. He said he has a present. What? I kind of thought he was kidding so put it in the back of my head. During the car ride my little sister and i talked about me getting tagged on youtube. Since so many people have subbed to my channel, i feel obligated to churn out another vid. I got tagged for a 5 facts vid/naked v-log. I'm not feeling the naked thing, so i'm going to do a 5 facts thing about myself. By the time i reached the bf's house i came up with facts i've long forgotten. Yay! I might sound interesting in the vid. Great. So initially, we were planning on taking Ollie to a groomer so someone could tame her hair. We found out a lot of them requires shot records, something we don't have. In order to get her groomed, we're going to get the papers done tomorrow and then take her to the groomers. Plan is set! When i walked through the door, a thought came to me. Present = Anniversary. I didn't bother to check, i just hugged him and said "happy anniversary!!" I am actually a day early. Oh well, early bird gets the worm. This will be our 14th month together! Isn't that exciting? So we dilly dallied until we decided on a place to eat. Little sister was craving curry so we went to Taste of Asia.

The people there definitely know us. We come there way too often for them not to. They paid special attention to us; i felt loved! The waitress lady asked if me and the bf were married. Nopes. If that is the case, than my siblings would be my children! Gross. I corrected her and she went on to say how i was pretty! Aww. Old ladies are so sweet. That brightened my day!! After food we went to Ross to buy clothes for little brother. I spent the last of my money on 3 shirts and 2 jeans. It turned out well. The bf had to go to work, so we headed home. I think there's something wrong with my car because the ac sucks. It's about a 20 min drive home and during that time the ac was still blowing out hot hot air. Granted, the car was sitting in the sun and it was 98 degrees outside, but it shouldn't take a car that long to cool down? That was the first time that happened to me. By the time i got home, i was drenched in sweat. It was disgusting! I really wanted to shower but ended up just wiping myself down with a towel. The house was cool, so i just plopped down on the bed. About 30 min into my relaxation, my mom bursts through the downstairs door and belts out, "come down stairs and make rice." I can never catch a break in this house. While i was making rice, my dad calls me and asks if i'm having dinner at home. I say yes and he asks if it's because i'm out of money. Gosh. Do parents know everything?? He hasn't been paying attention because i don't always go out on a friday evening. He sure likes to josh me.

I'm stuck on this song. I'm youtubing random versions of this song and this happened to keep my interest. Maybe it's because he's asian. I don't know. Since the bf knows how to sing this song, i'm going to learn it and show him up! Yeah.

I went over to my granny's house today. I gave my cousin the clothes and then started playing with little ba chang. She is so darling. I think she's not afraid of me anymore! Yay! Apparently, my aunt is going to buy a house in the area. That should be homey. Out of the blue my other aunt started talking about eyebrows. One of my cousins just came over from VN. She's 21 and refuses to groom her eyebrows. She says that she'll just wait till after marriage. Everyone was joking that she has to get a man before she can get married. To help that come true, she has to first take care of her appearance. My aunt complimented my eyebrows saying that they were nice. I told her that hers were too thin and ovaly. haha So i took her in the restroom and showed her how to measure the eyebrow shape. Now that she knows, she can let her eyebrows grow and reshape them.

Karma is very neat. Sometimes you get the worse luck and the next day you might be the luckiest person in the world. A teenager was electrocuted my lightening while trying to shut an open window. She wans't seriously hurt, so that was good. Her luck turned when she won $20 in lottery money. [read more here] That is definetly better than nothing. It would suck if her dog died or something.

Cute picture of the day.

Usually i don't like mice, but this is an exception.

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