Weekend Wrap Up

I feel bad that my last post was so rushed. I started writing it yesterday and finished it today. I left out a lot of things. Basically, it was a poorly made post. Today i woke up feeling luggish. I didn't want sunday to be here because that means i have crazy/busy mondays and wednesdays to look forward to. I started out doing hw. I needed to finish up some reading because i didn't do anything productive this whole weekend. Yesterday i went on a major procrastination fest. I forget which day was this, but my friend and i talked about helping one of our friends look fresher. By fresher, i mean look her age? We talked about possibly fiddling around with makeup and hair. Well, i was supposed to be studying, but i ventured into makeup territory on the internet and was trapped. I initially googled up looks for inspiration and i stumbled across a makeup place called "the she space." The samples are really cheap and there are tons of colors. I don't know how many samples i asked for, but i'm quite excited. I really like colors and playing around with makeup, just not on me so much. That's a tad bit hypocritcal, i know. When i have time, i like messing around with it. I'm looking at different techniques and came across foiling. Which is basically applying makeup on with a wet applicator (sponge tip/brush). I really like how the colors are a lot more vibrant and adhesive. So on my friend, i did a pearl/green look on her. It looked pretty good. She usually veers toward the dark colors, but i'm glad she let me decide what to use. I should've taken a picture of the overall look because it was so nice and drastic. Just a little simple tweaks here and there and you can easily shed a couple of years. The beauty of beauty of products. The only difficulty i have experimenting on others is the eye shape. There are different ways to complement the eye and i haven't wrapped my finger on it quite yet. I like looking at different eye shapes and what different makeup techniques work on them. I remember when i used to play dress up with my mom's makeup. It was so silly, but it was so darned fun. I don't think i'll every take a plunge into the makeup world professionally, but it sure is interesting.
I was on rotten tomatoes most of the day yesterday and mentally added more movies on my must-see list. I can't recall any of them now, but i remember that i was intrigued. Today i watched The Waitress with Keri Russell as the main actress. It's a really charming movie.

As i'm typing, i'm noticing my hideous nails. I need to get some polish remover and get rid of the chipping polish on my nails. I think i might want to get into that and experiment with different designs. It doesn't seem that hard. You just need the tools and lots of colors. I think i have a general idea how to go about doing this, so i'm kind of excited. I'm not a pro and will probably resort to google a lot, but i don't mind. Part of the fun in doing something new is learning the process. It's sort of like learning a new language. I have a friend that is fluent in French and Spanish. She's officially trilingual now. I'm just amazed because she learned French in high school. I guess some people have a knack for certain things. She's just blessed to pick up languages easily. I'm being a nut-case and youtubing different "[insert country here] idol." In this case, it's Bulgarian Idol.
Was that a shocker? I was kind of confused the first time i watched it. I had to replay and watch it three times to make sure i was hearing the right thing. First of all, i shouldn't even be on youtube. It takes me forever to load things because the school basically rips me off and gives me a steady dial-up connection. Secondly, i should be studying. But this was just so darned funny. I didn't understand a thing she was singing until they showed Mariah Carey singing the song. At first, i had to pause it and think, "Did she really sing a song called Kenn Lee? Boy, she must be getting in touch with the Asian crowd." Poor girl. Idol shows always makes me feel bad for the contestants. Someone just needs to sit them down and give them a major reality check.
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