Cool Blues, Mean Sisters, and Happy Music

Happy in Blue. I decided to put blue on my eyes because i was wearing my blue cowboy boots today. Excuse the dazed and confused expression. My cam wasn't working and then when it did work, it snapped the weirdest picture. The colors are a lot more vibrant in real life. These are all leishi colors, dry. Inner corner is white, followed by a blue 2/3 of the eye, and a dark blue in the outer v. I blended and highlighted with a taupe color. I think this took me only 5 min. The lighting is kind of orange and the quality isn't the greatest, but it's the best i can do. I took this on my webcam. I'm to lazy to use my real camera. My eyebrows look really nice! Yay. That's because i actually took the time to groom them. I might want to do them again soon. I've been a real moody judy lately. I think it's became it's pre-GOHP. I hate it when it happens because i have little patience and i turn into an all around bad guy. Yeash.
I need calming music. So what happens when you say this to your older sister: "She's upset because you're no help...ever." She answers: "Just shut up." All i'm asking is for her to treat her family better than her friends. All i'm asking is for her to be a little bit more responsible and to be fair. Don't let your siblings and parents do all the brunt of the work. How annoying. My mom once said that i need to cut her some slack because she has a skin condition. She has eczema! That shouldn't stunt her ability to help around the house. Since she's the oldest she's favored. She gets whatever she wants. That's also because she is really good at school and becoming a doctor, finally fulfilling my parent's dreams. I might not bring home the excellent grades, but i'm not bad. I also am very dependable and help around the house. If there's trouble, they call me first. Does that mean anything? I'm just tired of the house. It's so hard to live under one roof peacefully. Sometimes i don't know how to.
I really like this song. It cheers me up. I hope ya'll like it too. I know i have weird taste in music. It's so charming. I love a little old-school melody. The things i hear today are so blase and redundant. I remember on friday, i passed by a store that i thought was called "a pea in a poo." I was like, what the heck...why would anyone name their store that. Then, i realized it was "a pea in a pod." Ahh, that would make tons of sense. When i came home, my little sister and i did a little mv for a parody i recorded earlier. She told me what to do and she's editing it, so hopefully it'll look ok. It took a lot of effort because i kept forgetting the lyrics. Gosh darned. I don't know how people do it. The parody was a shortened version of the whole song, so i don't know why i couldn't remember the lyrics. We had to do a couple (a lot) of takes. It was fun though.

How long should a person get locked up for keeping a person in a cage? Lets make it more specific. How long should a mother get locked up for keeping her adopted, 17 y.o son in a cage? The 20 years. Did anyone guess right? The teen weighed 49 pounds when child welfare workers found him in 2005 in what appeared to be a cage. Sullivan told a judge at the time that Ohio authorities told her to keep the boy, who had severe medical and emotional problems, in a crib. She pleaded guilty for child abuse. [read more here] That is incredibly sad. I can't believe anyone could do that to their own child. I guess she could because he's not really her own flesh and blood. But what happened to having a conscience? I think she deserves more than 20 years. Darn beestard.
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