Dancing with the Stars!
I didn't think i could do it, but i woke up and exercised! I kind of feel better, except not really. I don't get how people get a high off of exerting energy. My shoulders hurt. I was on the elliptical the whole time. We stayed 15 min-ish before we left. Is that enough to burn fat? Oh well, working out is working out. My friend noted that i was glowing! I stopped glowing during the summer. The bf used to say that i glowed because my skin twinkled. My skin sort of went down hill after that. I think my skin doesn't like me and wants to seek revenge because i've neglected it. On a brighter note, the bf visited! He makes me happy. We ate Mexican food. I really like enchilidas. I think i'm going to attempt to make them one day, maybe sometime next year.
I'm in a mad rush to do my hw, so this will be a mini-post. After the bf left, i started reading and doing hw. I took an hour break to watch t.v though. Maybe it was a little longer? Anyways, I tuned into Dancing with the Stars! You must watch it! All of you! I predicted that the tennis girl and big foot would get the boot...and i was right! haha! They were stiff and kind of unpleasant to look at. The girl was pained and stiff. Big foot had big feet and a smart mouth. He just needs to learn to shut up. I remembered him from guest appearances on Sabrina, the teenage witch. Gosh, i loved that show. Now, she's all grown up and happily married with a baby. I love baby bumps. I think it's so cute to sport a bun in the oven. You can wear cute maternity clothes and glow all the time. It's so vain of me to think that way, but i love it. Don't get me wrong, i don't want one now, but in the future it's something to look forward to. Note: not near/immediate future, maybe after marriage...in 7 or 8 years (when i'm an old hag). I also watched Rock of Love II. That show is so trashy i love it. i wasn't even a fan until i saw one of the winners (Megan) from the past Beauty and the Geek show! It's kind of upsetting because she won! Now she's on this show and she's mean as heck. Mean and stupid. Ugh, i hate those types of girls. She didn't deserve to win. I actually thought there was hope for girls like her because of that show. Now, i'm questioning all of it.
No news, just cuteness for today.
Cute picture of the day.
Asian babies. I can't tell if he's crying or laughing too hard. My guess is as good as yours.

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