Wednesday, September 17

Unforgiving Shoes and decisions

Quick blog before i go to bed. It's about 11:30 and i just got home from work. My feet are killing me! That's 10 hours of prancing around in one of my most friendly heels. Well, i guess i should call them my "5 hour" friendly heels. We were out covering this Ike story and i eventually chatted up an evacuee. She was super friendly and kept commenting on how i looked so pretty! I was so blush. I just didn't know what to say. Anyways, that made my night a little brighter. After talking to everyone in the workplace, i think i've come to the conclusion that i don't really like reporting. I was talking to a night time reporter and he said, "you work your ass of for as little pay as they can get away with." I remember another one telling me that the salary is equal or less than a teachers...that is unless you are an anchor. I don't worry so much about the pay because i strong beleive that if you love what you do...the money shouldn't/wouldn't matter. The point is (i'm reitering this from a previous post)...i am not married to news. It's just something that can't be forced. I've gravitated to a coworker and he's sort of taken me under his wing. He's been in the biz for awhile and it's totally an eye-opener. I just know i love writing. I love journalism. I love telling stories. What is there? Print? More like web now.

Before i was looking at another news internship in NY with NBC, an affiliate of KXAN. Now, i think i'm veering away from that idea. I want to dip my fingers in the magazine business and give that a try. Afterall, it is NY. Decisions, decisions.

The experience is what you make of it. That's what i've decided. I come in with a game plan and from there, i make things the best of my ability. One of the hardest things for me to do is just be assertive. You'd think that because i'm loud, crazy and overall outgoing that i wouldn't have a problem with this. Blah. My parents worry about me the most because of this. They know i take a lot of crap from people and eventually, i let them "walk" all over me. Not really to that extent, but you get my gist. Confidence issues. Must work on that!

You know what is embarrassing? Calling your new friend the wrong name! Gosh darned. For some reason because of her exotic background, i kept calling her "Natasha." At least her real name wasn't so far away from the fake one. Good grief. I even forgot to wish my good friend happy birthday. I'm an epic fail monster lately.

This weekend i must study for a test and write a paper. Exciting.

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