Thursday, September 4

Goodbye necklace

I'm actually quite sad. A lot of my favorite things are dying on me. During the break, i accidentally stepped on my thrifted sunglasses. I've come to love them. The right lens is crushed into itty bitty pieces and the whole thing is unwearable now. And yesterday at work, my necklace broke!
I don't know how clear you can see it, but it's devastating. The chain just gave out and it actually fell onto my lap. I went through a lot of wear and tear. When i was little, my parents gave me a gold chained necklace with a simple cross charm on it. It was my favorite thing and i wore it for many years. I forget how long i had it, but i know that in a lot of my baby pictures, i'm sporting the necklace. So of course, it's one of my most treasured possessions. When the clasp gave out, i ended up storing it in a little box at home. To replace it, my mom gave me a silver necklace with a guardian angel charm on it for my 16th birthday. I wore it so much that the charm collected a lot of grime that could've easily been washed out. To preserve the necklace, i try not to make it an everyday accessory. While my ex and i were going out, he gave me the blue cross after i told him of my "necklace" stories and how much i loved my first necklace. I've worn it ever since. I guess since the relationship is over, the remnants are bound to "die" to. What a sad thought. Starting fresh isn't so bad.

What's hard is getting used to not having someone there to catch you. I don't even know how to describe it. I thought going back to single life would be hard, but it really isn't. I never really changed (well, at least very little) during the course of my past relationship. I am capable, always have been. I guess, what i'm trying to convey, is that it's just nice to get reassured every so often.

My mind has been thinking of autodrama overload. I'm thinking of manipulating lights to my advantage. I'm thinking of shadows. I'm thinking of...drama. I hope this all comes together. Otherwise, i'd have to go back to the drawing board. I came up with this idea/metaphor during work...while i was watching Palin's speech. Ok,'s very inspiring that a woman has the VP nod and might even get elected. But for some reason, i wasn't inspired by her. Give me a couple more days and maybe i can pinpoint the reasons.

Socializing is one of the most effort/energy consuming things do. You have to be charming without sounding like an arrogant butthole. Always engange yourself. Sometimes i find myself literally doing the whole "in one ear, out the other" thing. That is definitely not good when the topic of discussion is important. Must focus on that.

Little sis and friend are visiting on the 26th. It is now confirmed. Happy times are about to happen.



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