Monday, September 1


Today was very chill. I love relaxing and having nothing to do. It was nice when my momma called me up to see how i was doing. She asked if i was lonely and then called asked me if i "baby cry" i a lot. In the family, i'm the emotional one. So she expected me to miss the fam a bunches...which i did, but i made due. It was a fun weekend.

Since i've been single, i haven't really felt my single-ness until today. Isn't that funny? It's when i watch tv and see cutesy couples snuggle or something. I say, " i want one" and then i realize...not really. My friend laughs at me because of the newness of single life. Oh, silly. Since i went out saturday night, i've been feeling majorly sore...everywhere. Every time i take the stairs, i feel the pain. It kind of sucks because i have a class that makes me run around to "loosen" up my muscles. That just requires me to run around on my tippy toes and wiggling every limb. It hurts! I'm incredibly out of shape.

Besides catching up on work, my friend and i played around with hair. Doesn't that sound weird? We looked up different pinup hairstyles on youtube and tried them out. It takes a lot of skill to pull off what the ladies do in their vids. Who knew victory rolls are so hard to accomplish. I think it's especially hard for my hair because it's so fine. Since my hair has been thinned and layered, it's a lot harder to pin up with a minimal amount of bobby pins. Blah. Since that was too hard, i whipped out some nail stuff and started painting my friend's nails. I did a really cute gradient, spongey look on her. I think i used 3 different colors on her nails. I'm glad she liked it because the fumes were definitely getting to my head. I was totally spinning.

I'm such a kid, but i love the Disney Channel.



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