Sunday, July 19

Austin, NY, and now CA.

I came back from a two week relaxing to austin to hang out with friends.
What I accomplished: my friend is not really my friend.
I learned: egg yolk is super yum for the skin, especially breakouts!

When i came back from austin, I went to NY to hang out for a week.
I stayed with my guy friend.
I learned: I really really miss him.
I know: I have to let go.

I've been back since Tuesday. I'm miserable and not happy being at home.
Today, my mom asked me if I wanted to go to CA with her on the 30th.
I told her I'd go only if I could arrive in CA a few days earlier.
She said ok...only if I sing the national anthem in a navy uniform for daddy's navy reunion.
Ah, a small price to pay to hang out with buddies in CA.
So here it is, I am going to be in California for two weeks (July 22 to Aug 4).
Half of the time, I spend it with friends and the other half is devoted to the fam bam.

That means, I have to do laundry and take another trip down to austin to take care of unfinished business before i leave for CA.
I'm leaving for austin tomorrow, right before LS comes in and asks me if she could tag along. That way, her bf can meet her at my friends apartment and stay the night there. LS is never happy with anything I do for her, she always asks more. Sometimes I feel like I stretch myself out too too much.

For some reason, the pressure mounted up and I started tearing up. Is it an accumulation of things happening - missing him, wanting more but knowing better, the trip, LS, family - that's driving me insane?

Right when i got home, i got a mouthful from my mom about wanting to live in the east coast. That factor hasn't changed. It might be the fact that my mother got caught for stealing and was hauled off to jail for a few hours. That might be it.

Messy. All of it, messy.

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