Wednesday, May 27


Why is that every time I'm home I get stressed? When I was in CA, I didn't break out at all. The minute I step on my home turf I have this huge-ass pimple that won't go away. It's revenge!

One thing consistent in my life: exercise! I've started running 20-30 min every morning. I have a regime and I'm so determined to lose the extra weight. That means one less thing my parents can nag me about! It's funny because I'm actually ok with being this size. I'm kind of meaty, healthy looking. I fit my clothes a lot better. That doesn't mean I want to stay like this. I just don't feel healthy. My older sister txted me a "how to lose weight" advice. I don't know if I want to go through that trouble. Running and minimizing your food intake should be enough for me. We shall see!

I'm so distraught about my family.

I want to go back.



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