Rants: Roommate & Work
I don't know how to use my phone, but I thought I changed the setting. So when it went off on Friday at the same level of loudness, I was really surprised. After I quickly snoozed it, my roommate yells at me - "GOD, I TOLD YOU TO CHANGE IT. NOW I CAN"T GO BACK TO SLEEP" - and of course I apologize. What the hell?! I shouldn't need to apologize. This is my room, too, and she needs to learn how to deal. I don't care if she's some rich spoiled brat that gets her way at home...that doesn't work here, especially if you're living in close quarters with someone. Dang it! I tolerate a lot and you don't see my asking my stupid roommate to change every little thing that irritates me. I'm just glad she's a ten-weeker because her ass needs to leave before I get an anxiety attack. Holy crap.
This seems to be a rant post. Goodness grief. My next topic is work. I hate it when people ask me to do something minute when they can do it themselves. This girl asked me to check distribute the mail. Normally, I would do it no questions asked, but I kind of don't like the girl. She asked me to do it because she was "busy." Busy with what? FACEBOOK, of course. That is so annoying. Friday was so lame. I didn't do anything because the producer I mainly work with was out on a shoot somewhere far. Oh Golly.
I don't know how impressive this is, but I went to K-Fed's party. I had a good time. My friend's friend from out of town had a good time so I think it was a success. The friend was having a miserable week because plans fell through which caused arguments and tears. I'm just glad one thing worked out.
I think I'm going to intern/study in DC this fall. I'm looking at NPR. LOVE!!
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