Monday, March 16

The Fam Visits NY

My fam fam visited this weekend. This is another kind of high-stress situation. I've lived away from family for so long that even a weekend with them is a trial.

Overall, they had a fairly good time. I took them fooding, they was a beautiful compromise. LS got to meet her friends, everyone was happy. The last day (today), I woke up early to meet them and have breakfast. My mom was tryign to shove a crispy bagel down my throat while my dad was lecturing about roomies, taxis, independence, sisters, family, and work. I hate being lectured about my life. Good grief.

Although I complain about NY, I've really come to appreciate the lifestyle here. I know before I said that I could never live in a place like this...but now I'm rethinking it. This place is ambitious...and alive. I want to be able to make it here, that way I can walk away knowing that I can make it anywhere. The only problem is that living in NY requires money. That's something I'm short on. I really do think the weather is the sole reason I think NY is miserable. On the warmer days...I absolutely LOVE NY. On the miserable days, I want to die. See the correlation?

I've eaten so much this weekend that I barely fit into my pants now. Sigh, back to po' folks food. Isn't it cool that in two different sitations, I've picked up a dollar bill on the ground? It always gets me so excited to get find monies!!



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