Monday, January 26

Work: Day One

I was really nervous the day before going to work and it was sweet because my friends tried to calm me down. My jelly belly wasn't being nice and i felt like i was going to throw up. Yack. But I actually don't feel nervous going into work this morning. Amazing, right? I had a really nice first day. It was productive, tiring, but it felt like home. Isn't that weird? The minute i walked into the newsroom, i felt at ease. It's just like my old station except on a grander scale. Everything is magnified times 10. I still used the news program that i did at my affiliate station so i feel up to date. The people are extremely nice and warm. All you have to do is make an effort and talk to them. The more effort you put into getting to know these people, the more they are willing to help you out.

When i was walking up to the newsroom, i was talking to the assignments editor. I told him where i went to school and this lady stopped my in my tracks because we freaken went to the same school! Isn't that insanely awesome? She gave me her contacts and we went about our daily lives. After settling in for an hour, i got sent out on a shoot with the only digital correspondant (another fancy word for backpack journalist - a fusion of a reporter and photographer). That was fun. It was a story about tats. I don't think i can reveal too much, but it was very very interesting. When i got back, the two other intern girls were like "i can't believe you got to go out already." They were not very pleasant. Because they started around the same time, they deliberately left me out of things. But ya know what? I don't care because i'm not there to impress them. Girls are a pain in the butt. I mean, is it really necessary to exclude the new girl when we're all walking to the same place? I know ya'll talk about me. Sigh. I really didn't think i'd have to deal with intern crap here, too.

I shook Brian Williams HAND...and i freaken blushed. He is so handsome.

On the way home, i walked from 50th - 29th. I hate walked. I also got stopped by some guy. He was trying to wrap his hands around me. NOT NICE. Then he said, "i like your shoes." My initial reponse was...DUH, my shoes are always cute, but i said "thanks" and walked on. That guy kept following me and was like "that was a pickup line." GAH SO GROSS. He kept following so i ducked into starbucks. It took me an hour to get home because I had to stop at every other block to tie my shoe laces because they kept dying on me.

It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Kill me now.

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Blogger hahamysocks said...

First day of work = success!
Man those girls sounded like high school girls =X

Shoot, you should have busted out the karate moves on that dude. Be careful!

January 26, 2009 at 10:40 PM  

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