Prince Caspian is my downfall.

Was Narnia 2 a disappointment? I think so. I expected so much more. At least Caspian was a cute. There just was not enough magic to win me over. This time around, everything is very different. Narnians are fighting for their lives and on the verge of extinction. Aslan is missing and their only hope is Caspian, until the King and Queens of old reappear. The magic that captivated me in the first movie isn't pronounced because the Narnians are "fazed" out. A lot of the mythic creatures that i love (fawns - Tumnus) were missing. They weren't as highlighted in this movie as the in the first. There were some suspenseful moments that definitely gave me chills. I think that was enhanced by the movie theater environment though. It was very cold! I also teared up at a time. It was extremely sad. I don't want to spoil the movie, but when the Narnians were trapped, my heart crumpled. The ended winded down too fast. It didn't leave me with a feel-good feeling, but rather a sense of "what more?!" or an incredulous "that's it?!" I missed a part of the beginning because my older sister bought a ticket for the 4 pm showing and we arrived at 4.15. We kind of meandered around int he dark and ended up sitting separately in the handicapped section. I can't complain! It was better than standing/sitting in the very first row. The only problem is that i'm a huge commentator when it comes to movies. So it was very hard to stifle my screams, observations, and opinions about various things in the movie. I don't think i would want to watch this again, but is it worth viewing? I think you should experience Narnia it at least. You might enjoy it. Who knows. My advice: Blockbuster it. Now, i'm looking forward to Batman and Kung-fu Panda! I have to watch Ironman, too. I hear it's great. It's a contender to my beloved Transformers!
I ate out a lot today. The bf took my little sister and bro to this place called Taste of Asia. Why do i order way too much? We ordered 3 dishes and it was way too much. It was all take home from there. I also went to a lot of shopping centers to waste time. When we took my little bro to golf practice, we went to Ridgmar mall and then to Academy. After that, we hung out his place (my second home) and then headed home around 2.30. I picked up my older sis and toted around my little sis so that we could drop my little bro off at his friend's b-day party. It was really cute. I love to see my bro excited. I found out his friend's house is right around the corner from the bf! Isn't that crazy. I thought it was so funny. We dropped him off at 4 and stayed around the area until 9.30, when we picked him up. To waste time, we went to Ross and then the Hulen Mall. When we left the mall, we figured it would've been better if we went to Barnes and Nobles. Sigh. We also ended up eating at Bennigans. It was alright. I don't know if i like that place. What made me stare in surprise the most were the customers. There was the black lady with a huge ass-et. Holy COW! It was literally a shelf. I stared at her for so long that my sisters told me to stop. I guess i was that obvious. Oops. Shoppers are crazy looking too. I can't even go into detail all the crazy hairstyles/fashion sense i saw. Very questionable.
Tomorrow is baby cousin's bday. I think i'm going to take a couple of pictures to show you the epitome of cuteness. I will follow up with my favorite cousin pics. He's numero one (besides my bf) in my heart!! You'll love his darling face, too. I guess right now, i'm just waiting for June. It should be a fun month. The bf's birthday is on the 7th and then there's the houston trip! It's not exactly my dream vacation/ideal alone time, but i'll take that over staying at home. The one thing i miss the most about college is doing my own thing. I miss my independence. I'm a big girl. I like doing big girl things, like staying out and coming back at ungodly hours. I can't do that when i'm at home. I have siblings i have to take care of, a house a need to tend, parents that i can't worry. As much as i love my parents, i need space. My parents are awesome though. They make me work, but they pay me more than i deserve. They are generous, too generous. My sister isn't, though. I told her i want a laptop for NY and she says, "use our old dell, it's only a semester." Sigh. She's been shopping for a laptop, too. She's torn between two really good tablet ones for med school. It's required or something. Maybe i shoudln't wait for x-mas and just buy it on my own terms. That would make things a lot easier on everyone. I just need money now. Sigh.
I need to work on a cover letter. I loathe writing one. I loathe even the thought of making one. I hate thinking about school related things in general, especially during the summer. First, i had to convince this teacher to let me take her class. Now, i'm applying for an internship at KXAN. I'm trying to fill things out and it's not working. I'm leaving things out because i don't have the information. Oh jeez. Just in case i don't get that internship, i have to apply for other stations. The other stationgs require more than just my resume. Unfortunately, they want a cover letter too. Greedy pigs! Now, i'm in the process or writing one. I have to get it done before June so i can send them off. I think that's the deadline or something. I have to refresh my memory. I don't relaly know because i just want the KXAN one so bad! I applied there last semester and didn't get it. I got the News 8 Austin one instead. I liked it, but i sure wish i got KXAN. I hope they choose me second time around.

After all the sad drama happening in China, lets brighten things up and talk about child prodigies. Ahh children, the future of america! With the end of another school year approaching, college sophomore Moshe Kai Cavalin is cramming for final exams in classes such as advanced mathematics, foreign languages and music. But Cavalin is only 10 years old. And at 4-foot-7, his shoes don't quite touch the floor as he puts down a schoolbook and swivels around in his chair to greet a visitor. One of his primary interests is "wormholes," a hypothetical scientific phenomenon connected to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. [read more here] I think he's studying stats at the moment. That's some serious stuff. I'm thoroughly amazed by him. Isn't the kid a cutey! Omygosh. i love dorky glasses.
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