Friday, May 16

Another day at work.

Prince Caspian is coming! I'm so excited. I've waited so long for the second installment! Hopefully, i get to spend some time with the bf tomorrow too. We can watch Narnia! I went to work today to help my mom out. I left the house at noon-ish, but that was when she sent my sister and i on errands. We went to the bank and then went to the mall to fix my moms watch. It's been a long time since i got, "You Vietnamese?" I nodded to the guy fixing my mom's watch and went on with my business. After the watch was fixed, we went to Ross. We go there for, what else, but shoes! Sis bought really cute ivory pumps and silver gladiators. Mine are rosy pink sandals. I bought them for 5 dollars, so i can't really complain. I still want silver sandals! I don't know where to buy them. Anyways, we picked up my little brother at his school and ended up eating at Samwon Garden for some korean food. We got two dishes and shared amongst the three of us. It was pricey, but so yummy. The korean people thought we were korean! Isn't that nice. It was an overall pleasant day. When is it not a pleasant day?

What do i want to do/accomplish during the summer? I thought about paint balling, but i don't want to subject myself to excruciating pain. I can't tolerate bruising/skin damage. I want to eat more sushi with the bf and go swimming. Maybe i can get my tan on! I nice healthy glow beats my white butt any day. I was at work today and was eaten alive by this tiny mosquito. I think i have three bites in all. I tried killing it, but those bloodsuckers are fast as lightening! I hate bugs. I guess i don't have anything i really want to do. My goals are low. I know that when i head up to UT for my masters, i'm going to take some salsa lessons! I'm going to drag the little one to go with me too. It should be fun. I don't know how well i'll be, but theres no harm in trying. Salsa-ing is way to fun to pass up, especially if you're a girl. I love love Copa! If you're in the Austin area, that is the place to be. It's the only place i feel safe asking a guy to dance. Isn't that silly. I passed by a starbucks and saw this yummy mint choco frap. I was really interested until i remembered my tummy aches and walked past it without looking in. That is improvement!

I have too much time on my hands! Watch this, i am intrigued!

Online Dance Competition! ACDC vs. M&M - very cutesy idol. I don't know why it's the rave, but youtubers are challenging youtubers. ACDC did an amazing job! I'm so impressed. I also like that Flo-rida song. It's darned catchy. Isn't FLo-rida a weird way of saying Florida? I bet it's a tribute to Florida. Is that his home state?

M&M come back with 4 min by Madonna and JT. It was kind of cool.

I was youtubing and stumbled across the M&M and was watching a few of their vids. They are so obnoxious. I can't stand people yelling at me while they are on cam. Does that make sense? I never liked her Show on the disney channel either. For some reason, i like the cheesiness of Hilary Duff. Isn't that sad? I can't believe i admitted that. At least i can honestly say i wasn't a Britney Spears fan. That girl can't sing. Even i know i sing better than her. Hmm. Is that saying much? My opinions of ANTM have changed! Whitney (the newest winner) was a already a model, but the real catch is she was modeling size 2/4. Apparently, she was approached by ANTM producers and given a deal. She had to gain weight and enter as a plus-size model. If she agreed, they would guarantee her a position in the top 3. Isn't that messed up!

How is lingerie environmentally friendly? Well, the Japanese are at it again. Lingerie maker "Triumph International Japan Ltd." unveiled its environmentally friendly, and green colored, "Solar Power Bra" on Wednesday in Tokyo which features a solar panel worn around the stomach. It hasn't been released in stores yet because people haven't been able to wear it out in public underneath their clothes. But it does send the message of how lingerie could possibly save the planet, Masuda said, adding that the bra should not be washed or sunned on a rainy day to avoid damaging it. [read more here] I don't exactly know how this eco-friendly, but it's kind of neat. You actually feel like you're treating the world nice. Too bad it's not fashion friendly.

Cute picture of the day.

Not just food but erasers! Yum

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