Papers, papers, and more papers
I think th most entertainment i've had all day was the kitten my friend brought to class. The darling thing was so small! Her name was Apple-bottom. Seeing that thing reminded me of the short-lived MoMo. I'm definitely not a cat person. No "free cat" sign will lure me in again! That's why i now have ollie. She's numero uno! A girl brought a little puppy to class named, Friar Tuck. Isn't that sweet!! Ever since i've been drinking the Rock Star energy drink my friend got me yesterday night, i've been peeing neon yellow green. It's kind of funny and makes me laugh every time i look at the bowl. That's kind of nasty, but it's true. I don't know what's up me because i have this ongoing nauseous feeling that i can't get rid of. I was sitting in class and i felt like throwing up. I might be getting sick! For those thinking the nasty, NO! i'm not preggers. I think i've been pushing myself lately. I've been staying up late-night, trying to finish homework and papers. I don't eat healthy or regularly. And on top of that, i don't shower as often as i should. That's messed up. I need to take better care of myself. Last night i slept at 4. I called it quits on a paper at around1? 2? For some odd reason, i couldn't go to bed. It was probably the energy drink. It might actually be me. I couldn't fall asleep because i had that paper in my mind. So i got up, wrote some more junk and then went to bed. Looking back, i still need to do major revisions and add more material. I hate papers. The whole process just ills me to the bone.
I enlisted help during my writing process yesterday night. Heres the deal. I was supposed to work with a partner to write/observe cows. Right in the middle of the semester, my friend bails on me. By that time, i only had 1/4 of the paper written. So i soldiered on and completed about 3/4ths of the paper. In total, i have 22 pages including graphs. I'm on the last section of the paper and i'm stuck! I don't know how to do it. I'm lost at the methods section. The class doesn't have any prereqs, but those who took research methods have a clear advantage over those who haven't. I am part of the disadvantaged. The reason why i didn't take RM is because i don't have to. It's nore a requirement for me since i'm only minoring. That's why i'm taking classes that don't require RM as a prereq. More essentially, i'm a cop out. I looked at the course load i had to take in order to major in psych and turned the other direction. The other defining factor was that i didn't like any of the psych professors. Well, i liked one or two, but definitely not enough for me to pursue it as a major. Not to mention the horrid stats class. Hecks-no to the math! That's why i turned to communication. It's not all easy, but there are definite perks of being a com major. It's something i genuinely love and have interest in. I'm still interested in psych, just not enough to pursue it. Thus, psych became my minor. Minoring in psych is hard because there are only a handful of classes that don't have RM as a prereq. So i have to labor over the catalog and weed out certain classes in order to fulfill the minor criteria. As a result, i've been calling up friends and asking them how to do certain things that were acquired in RM. If i were to do this by myself, i'd draw a blank every time and end up turning in some half-butt crap. I might have to do that, but i'm trying my hardest to make it sound as if i'm learned. I'm determined to complete this paper by tonight. By the weekend, i have to shift my focus and finish three more major papers. It's almost over. I can't believe it. So close, yet so far is how i'm feeling.
Besides my whole paper debacle, i am now an official member of APO. APO is a service fraternity with lots of brothers and sisters. Since the group is so big, there are families within APO served to help people "belong," more or less. There are 5 main families: Kennedy, Illuminati, Corleone, Kerby, and Montague. My big is a Kerby, so now i am a Kerby. It's one of the smallest families. I think there's only 5 members, including me. Apparently, next semester the fam is widdled down to about 2 members because 2 are studying abroad and 1 is graduating. My darling big is a girl i know and have been friends with since last year. She's a really sweet person, really bright, and really dedicated. She wants to be a doctor, so more power to her. She gave me a present (a bag of goodies) as a "welcome into the fam" sorta deal. It was really nice of her. I'm not really sure if i'm 100% happy about being a Kerby, but it doesn't really matter now that i am one. I guess i'm mildly shocked because i didn't really expect to join the Kerbies. If ya'll are wondering, Kerby is named after the Austin eatery, Kerby Lane. I've never eaten there, but i hear that it's the place to be.
Over the last couple of days, my mind has been preoccupied. I found out that one of my "friends" is talking stuff behind my back to another friend of mine. I understand people talk, i don't mind that. Heck, i'm a big gossiper. I just don't want other people talking about stuff that isn't true. I don't lift my shirt up so that people can touch my body. First of all, who the heck does that?! That's just stupid. My friends are annoying me lately. I don't know if it's just the time of the year or what, but it's like girls turn into demons. My friend says she's been sick. She went to the nurse and she plainly said that she wasn't. The only problem is that she's adamant she's got something. There are "symptoms." Geez. If you were sick, you wouldn't be romping about having a jolly old time. You'd be in bed, sleeping. If you have "cold" symptoms, guzzle a couple of pills. No, you just want people to pour out sympathy and affirm your "sickness." It doesn't work that way. I don't work that way. At least be practical about it. Throat itchy? Cough drop it. Headache? Tylenol that mess. Do something, don't just complain. At dinner, she was saying how the nurse didn't know what she was doing and that she was actually sick. I looked at her and said, "Maybe it's a psychological thing. You've got it in your mind that you're sick, so you've taken on the characteristics of sickness." It might just be a mental thing. For instance, if your body aches it might be because you slept the wrong way or you don't get enough sleep and your body is screaming at you for rest! If your throat hurts it might be a bad case of allergies gone wrong. But since you are so determined that you are sick, you might misdiagnose all those minor symptoms. Is that not plausible? Does that not make sense? Apparently my friend didn't even think of that possibility. She glared at me and then at her other friend as if she was saying, "What the hell do you mean by that." Well, to put it plainly, i mean what i meant.
Do you need help with memory stuff like me? Here are tips, courtesy of Oprah and CNN. The first tip is to space-out. Don't cram, but divide your study time. When you space out learning like this, "you can have up to 100 percent more retention." The next is to sleep on it. Hit the books; then hit the pillow. That will help the brain lock in what you learned. Even naps are beneficial, according to a Harvard study in which subjects who took a 90-minute snooze after learning a task performed 50 percent better over a 24-hour period than the napless group. Don't overlearn. Once you've remembered the Spanish word for house or done a math problem correctly, continuing to practice does very little for long-term retention, says Rohrer. Last but not least, keep your brain fit! Regular exercise, social engagement, and education all help keep the brain sharp as you age. I think i try to do all these things already. I might want to practice the spacing bit more often though.
I enlisted help during my writing process yesterday night. Heres the deal. I was supposed to work with a partner to write/observe cows. Right in the middle of the semester, my friend bails on me. By that time, i only had 1/4 of the paper written. So i soldiered on and completed about 3/4ths of the paper. In total, i have 22 pages including graphs. I'm on the last section of the paper and i'm stuck! I don't know how to do it. I'm lost at the methods section. The class doesn't have any prereqs, but those who took research methods have a clear advantage over those who haven't. I am part of the disadvantaged. The reason why i didn't take RM is because i don't have to. It's nore a requirement for me since i'm only minoring. That's why i'm taking classes that don't require RM as a prereq. More essentially, i'm a cop out. I looked at the course load i had to take in order to major in psych and turned the other direction. The other defining factor was that i didn't like any of the psych professors. Well, i liked one or two, but definitely not enough for me to pursue it as a major. Not to mention the horrid stats class. Hecks-no to the math! That's why i turned to communication. It's not all easy, but there are definite perks of being a com major. It's something i genuinely love and have interest in. I'm still interested in psych, just not enough to pursue it. Thus, psych became my minor. Minoring in psych is hard because there are only a handful of classes that don't have RM as a prereq. So i have to labor over the catalog and weed out certain classes in order to fulfill the minor criteria. As a result, i've been calling up friends and asking them how to do certain things that were acquired in RM. If i were to do this by myself, i'd draw a blank every time and end up turning in some half-butt crap. I might have to do that, but i'm trying my hardest to make it sound as if i'm learned. I'm determined to complete this paper by tonight. By the weekend, i have to shift my focus and finish three more major papers. It's almost over. I can't believe it. So close, yet so far is how i'm feeling.

Over the last couple of days, my mind has been preoccupied. I found out that one of my "friends" is talking stuff behind my back to another friend of mine. I understand people talk, i don't mind that. Heck, i'm a big gossiper. I just don't want other people talking about stuff that isn't true. I don't lift my shirt up so that people can touch my body. First of all, who the heck does that?! That's just stupid. My friends are annoying me lately. I don't know if it's just the time of the year or what, but it's like girls turn into demons. My friend says she's been sick. She went to the nurse and she plainly said that she wasn't. The only problem is that she's adamant she's got something. There are "symptoms." Geez. If you were sick, you wouldn't be romping about having a jolly old time. You'd be in bed, sleeping. If you have "cold" symptoms, guzzle a couple of pills. No, you just want people to pour out sympathy and affirm your "sickness." It doesn't work that way. I don't work that way. At least be practical about it. Throat itchy? Cough drop it. Headache? Tylenol that mess. Do something, don't just complain. At dinner, she was saying how the nurse didn't know what she was doing and that she was actually sick. I looked at her and said, "Maybe it's a psychological thing. You've got it in your mind that you're sick, so you've taken on the characteristics of sickness." It might just be a mental thing. For instance, if your body aches it might be because you slept the wrong way or you don't get enough sleep and your body is screaming at you for rest! If your throat hurts it might be a bad case of allergies gone wrong. But since you are so determined that you are sick, you might misdiagnose all those minor symptoms. Is that not plausible? Does that not make sense? Apparently my friend didn't even think of that possibility. She glared at me and then at her other friend as if she was saying, "What the hell do you mean by that." Well, to put it plainly, i mean what i meant.
Do you need help with memory stuff like me? Here are tips, courtesy of Oprah and CNN. The first tip is to space-out. Don't cram, but divide your study time. When you space out learning like this, "you can have up to 100 percent more retention." The next is to sleep on it. Hit the books; then hit the pillow. That will help the brain lock in what you learned. Even naps are beneficial, according to a Harvard study in which subjects who took a 90-minute snooze after learning a task performed 50 percent better over a 24-hour period than the napless group. Don't overlearn. Once you've remembered the Spanish word for house or done a math problem correctly, continuing to practice does very little for long-term retention, says Rohrer. Last but not least, keep your brain fit! Regular exercise, social engagement, and education all help keep the brain sharp as you age. I think i try to do all these things already. I might want to practice the spacing bit more often though.
Cute picture of the day.
This cute little elephant toy is a sweet accessory for your cell phone, but it also doubles as an indispensable tool for people with ear wax problems. Fitting neatly atop your index finger, this elephant’s trunk is a slightly curled, conventionally styled ear scratcher.
Now you can scratch your ear in style!

Now you can scratch your ear in style!
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