Thursday, March 18

A piece of Marilyn Monroe

"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

How often do I run across this bordering-cliche quote? It's been iterated time and time again, yet I never think twice until something happens and all of a sudden, Marilyn Monroe is a genius. Not only am I firm believer of this sentiment in regards to love relationships, but this is also applicable to friendships.

I won't talk too much about love because everyone and their mom understands (or should understand) why worst&best go hand in hand when in a relationship. That's why I'm horribly incorrigible 80% of the time so that in the rare case that I am lovely and content (20% of the time), my best would be more appreciated. Try to use that 80:20 logic on someone.

Now onto friendships. My friend and I had a falling out (of sorts) because he proclaimed his "like" for me. After a few awkward i-walk-right-you-walk-left-but-end-up-walking-right moments, he called at one of the most inopportune times to catch up. I was eating and watching Grey's Anatomy- enough said. I forewarned my distractions, but he proceeded to tell me about his day until he abruptly stopped when I didn't give him the kind of enthusiastic response he was looking for.

"Call me later."
"Ug. You're grumpy. I don't want to talk to you when you're grumpy."

That really makes me want to call you back now. I wasn't grumpy. I was eating and watchign tv, two of my most favorite pastimes. Your friends are there at your worst to pick you up and your best to celebrate. I'm not too keen on friends that bail, especially when it's something as minor as this.

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