MBP woes.

I bought this fun polish that dries matte! My attempt at capturing this on cam failed. Matte just can't be captured via photobooth. Above is a picture from my disposable.
I've been having mbp problems. Every time I open my mbp after a reboot/shut down, all my icons are rearranged in alpha-numeric order and pushed to the right side. WHY? The answer alludes me. Out of all my siblings witch macs, I'm the only one with this problem. On top of that, my desktop background was somehow changed. I don't understand.
The other day I was talking about insomnia; I found a solution! Ridiculous as it may sound, I took the chimes off my door (yes, I have wind chimes on my door). I'm a light sleeper so the faintest noise wakes me up. Should have thought of this earlier. It would've saved me many restless nights.
Yesterday, I walked my OS's room and found LB crying in her bed. It was such a tragic sight that moved me to tears. I'm a huge sucker for family related things, such as separation. LB cried because he misses OS. "No on understands me like she does."
Labels: life
My wallpaper randomly changed by itself last week. It was weird...
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