Monday, February 8

Bras and Men.

Boys are like bras. Bras are like boys. Does it really work both ways? Or rather, it should work both ways. Bras provide cover, support, and elevation. By definition, that is what your man should try to accomplish. I've come this realization, much to my chagrin, during a mini-research project. As my mind wandered to escape duress, the connection came together.

On other words, protect. Girls, sometimes you think your shit don't stink and that often gets you in a lot of trouble. No matter, your guy should stand by you 100%. Sometimes it's best that you fail in order to mend.

Not as easy as it may appear. Unlike bras, men don't have under wire. What you lack in one area, you make up in the next. The ultimate goal? Provide stability. No woman (realistically) wants to work her butt of day in and day out just to make ends meet. Yes, I'm all about gung-ho feminism, but at the same time I don't want to live in a ditch. Not only am I talking financially but emotionally. Girls have their work cut out for them, though. You have to have something in order for someone or something to support you. Whether it's your boob size or lack thereof, it's a give and take relationship. No man wants to support a depressed woman, so work on yourself before you expect help from other people. That way support goes both ways.

I'm all for criticism as long as it's constructive. But indulgence goes a long way. Haven't you ever heard, "I don't like flowers" from various girls? It's a lie! Bold face lie! If you have a vagina, you like flowers. Men, don't go against the grain. Sometimes it's best to be a lemming and get her flowers. It'll save you heartache and pain years down the road. Be there for her, push her up when she's down. Elevate.

Men, be a bra.

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Blogger Unknown said...

very nice analogy!

i will be bold and also add more about elevation, not only flowers, but little gifts here and there, and compliments should also earn SOME form of brownie points? ;)

February 8, 2010 at 9:37 AM  

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