Hellboy II and The Diving Bell and The Butterfly
I love writing, but i find that my rough draft copies suck. That means i should re-read what i write before publishing an entry, but that gets so tedious. When i happen to re-read entries, i always spot a ton of grammatical mistakes. At first, it used to bother me but now not so much. I'm not going to be anal about something like that because it's not worth worrying over. The nazi grammar police isn't going to arrest me and my writing isn't meant to impress. Ah well, this isn't english class so that means i give myself an A. My writing process is way too complicated for this blog to handle. It usual takes me a good 4-5 days to pump out a really good paper. When i start talking about school, that means summer is coming to an end. Goodness me.
I want to address my last entry. I wrote that mid-day, when i was really riled up. It's not a sympathy cry...it's just something i had to get off my chest. More importantly, i don't want anyone's pity. With each day that passes, i feel better. So no need to worry or cheer me up. I'm a big girl. If you happen to pass by my blog, you probably think i'm some kind of complicated emo chick. It's alright. That's quite amusing. I know a lot of people think me having a blog is stupid. Well, that just means they should stop reading my blog and grab a book. I hate and don't want to explain my reasons for blogging. With that being said, i don't even know why i'm addressing it. Gosh darn. Maybe it's because i just woke up and my mind is still fuddled from lack of...over/under sleep. har har har.
My little sister had a sleepover last night. It was so cute. I think this is her second sleepover and the girls are a joy to be around. Youth is definitely in the air! What sucks is when i'm around them, i feel my age. That's bad because i'm not that much older than them, just old enough to feel old. What a great feeling. Two of my little sister's closest friends came over and we pretty much played random games the majority of the night. Before eating dinner yesterday, i drove to walmart to pick up a couple of things that we needed around the house. For some reason, i always happen to buy more than i intend to. While i was walking to my car, i noticed a group of black/mex kids piling around a pickup truck a couple of yards in front of me. As i was backing out, a black kid decides to jump into my line of vision and moon me. It was so awkward. Since it was the first time i was mooned, i was in mild shock. Anyways, i came home and we ended up playing this game that i didn't know i had. It's called "Imagine If." Like Apples to Apples, it's a game based on how well you know your friends. The catch is, you have to guess what the majority thinks of that person. So it's not what you think that matters, but it's the majority. It's kind of neat and a really good way to catch up. I knew my sister's friends since baby, so we all get a long fairly well. It's kind of weird to see them all grown up with their own problems and life lessons to share.

From the frivolous fun Hellboy, i came home to finish The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. This is such a beautiful story. Read this review. I'm too lazy to write my reasons as to why this is a beautifully crafted movie. It's one of the movies worth watching. Even thought the ending, if you know how i like my endings, wasn't favorably, this movie was amazing...with an extra zing.
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